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scaffold your next project with style and πŸ’—
const CDN_ENDPOINT = "";const SCAFFOLD_CLI_ENDPOINT = "";import { VERSION } from "../constants.ts";import { colors, Command, Table } from "../deps/cli.ts";import { stringToUint8Array, wait } from "../utils.ts";
export interface VersionInfo { latest: string; versions: string[]; isLegacy: true;}
/** * Get the versions of a deno module from the registry. */export async function getDenoLandVersions( module: string,): Promise<VersionInfo | undefined> { const url = `${CDN_ENDPOINT}${module}/meta/versions.json`; const res = await fetch(url, { headers: { accept: "application/json" }, });
if (res.status === 403 || res.status === 404) { await res.body?.cancel(); return; }
if (res.status !== 200) { throw Error( `Got an error (${res.status}) while getting the version list:\n${await res .text()}`, ); }
return res.json();}
/** * Upgrade a the scaffold cli to the latest version by running the global * installation command. */export function updateToLatest() { return{ cmd: [ "deno", "install", "--unstable", "-Af", "-n", "scaffold", SCAFFOLD_CLI_ENDPOINT, ], stdout: "piped", }).output();}
export async function shouldUpgrade() { const result = await getDenoLandVersions("scaffold");
// avoid a semver check for now since there won't be any pre-releases. if (!result || result.latest === VERSION) { return { upgrade: false, version: VERSION }; }
return { upgrade: true, version: result.latest };}
export const upgradeCommand = new Command().name("upgrade").action(async () => { const spinner = wait({ text: "Checking for updates..." }); const result = await shouldUpgrade();
if (!result.upgrade) { spinner.warn(`You are already on the latest version. ${result.version}`); Deno.exit(0); }
await updateToLatest();
spinner.succeed(`Successfully upgraded to ${result.version}`); Deno.exit(0);});
export async function showUpgrade() { const result = await shouldUpgrade();
if (!result.upgrade) { return; }
new Table().header([ `Update available! ${} β†’ ${ }.`, ]).body([[ `Run \`${colors.gray("scaffold upgrade")}\` to update.`, ]]).border(true).padding(5).align("center").indent(2).render();}