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Sculptr is a cli that allows users to build project scaffolding. When a user tells it to build a project, it asks them a set of questions, and based on their answer, it will write the correct project files. For example, if the user answered: Typescript, then, SCSS, It will write the code for a project using Typescript as a scripting language, and SCSS as a styling language.


  • Npm
  • Github


$ npm i -g sculptr


Step 1:

  • Open the folder you want to build the project in
  • Run:
$ sculptr build <platform> <name> [options]

For example

$ sculptr build react my-new-app --typescript

This will make a my-new-app folder in the current working directory, and initialize the project there. You could also use:

It will then ask:

? Do you want use SCSS, Sass, or CSS? (YOUR_ANSWER)

In this demo, SCSS is selected. It will then output the following

Step 2:

sculptr:    Writing files...
sculptr:    Files written
sculptr:    Making an visual representation of the folder tree...
sculptr:    Tree created:
sculptr:    ├── LICENSE
sculptr:    ├──
sculptr:    ├── package.json
sculptr:    ├── public
sculptr:    |  ├── favicon.ico
sculptr:    |  ├── index.html
sculptr:    |  ├── logo192.png
sculptr:    |  ├── logo512.png
sculptr:    |  ├── manifest.json
sculptr:    |  └── robots.txt
sculptr:    ├── src
sculptr:    |  ├── App.tsx
sculptr:    |  ├── index.tsx
sculptr:    |  ├── logo.svg
sculptr:    |  ├── react-app-env.d.ts
sculptr:    |  └── style
sculptr:    |     ├── abstracts
sculptr:    |     |  ├── _mixins.scss
sculptr:    |     |  ├── _utils.scss
sculptr:    |     |  └── _variables.scss
sculptr:    |     ├── app.scss
sculptr:    |     ├── base
sculptr:    |     |  └── _reset.scss
sculptr:    |     └── base.scss
sculptr:    Task completed
sculptr:      Project Name:  'my-new-app'
sculptr:      Username:      'YOUR GITHUB NAME'
sculptr:    Built a new project with: React, Typescript, Scss
sculptr:    Prewritten scripts (in ./package.json):
sculptr:      start:  'react-scripts start',
sculptr:      build:  'react-scripts build',
sculptr:      test:   'react-scripts test',
sculptr:      eject:  'react-scripts eject'

How it works


It gets the Username for the project by running git config --global --get to get the user’s github name. I chose this to keep the cli and user experience simple, and a lot of people have github.

Project Name

Sculptr gets the project name from the parent folder; ie. if it was building a project in: /Users/<USER>/Desktop/new-project/ it would read new-project as the project name.

Project Name/Username Usage

Sculptr uses the project name in the package.json file, and the It uses the Username in the package.json file (author), in the, and the LICENSE file.


  • <platform> The type of app that sculptr creates (‘next’, or ‘react’)
  • <name> The name of the app. Could be a directory or a word, if the value for “name” is “.” it uses the parent folder’s name, and initializes in the parent folder


  • --skip This skips installing node_modules and doesn’t run npm i
  • --typescript, --ts This sets the script to typescript
  • --javascript, --js This sets the script to javascript
  • --scss This sets the style to scss
  • --sass This sets the style to sass
  • --css This sets the style to css


Adds an asset to the current working directory

Accepted values:

  • sass
  • scss
  • tsconfig, tsc, or ts
$ sculptr add tsconfig