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Fastest 4KB JS implementation of secp256k1 signatures and ECDH
declare const CURVE: { p: bigint; n: bigint; a: bigint; b: bigint; Gx: bigint; Gy: bigint;};type Bytes = Uint8Array;type Hex = Bytes | string;type PrivKey = Hex | bigint;interface AffinePoint { x: bigint; y: bigint;}declare class Point { readonly px: bigint; readonly py: bigint; readonly pz: bigint; constructor(px: bigint, py: bigint, pz: bigint); static readonly BASE: Point; static readonly ZERO: Point; static fromAffine(p: AffinePoint): Point; static fromHex(hex: Hex): Point; static fromPrivateKey(k: PrivKey): Point; get x(): bigint; get y(): bigint; equals(other: Point): boolean; negate(): Point; double(): Point; add(other: Point): Point; mul(n: bigint, safe?: boolean): Point; mulAddQUns(R: Point, u1: bigint, u2: bigint): Point; toAffine(): AffinePoint; assertValidity(): Point; multiply(n: bigint): Point; aff(): AffinePoint; ok(): Point; toHex(isCompressed?: boolean): string; toRawBytes(isCompressed?: boolean): Uint8Array;}declare function getPublicKey(privKey: PrivKey, isCompressed?: boolean): Uint8Array;type SignatureWithRecovery = Signature & { recovery: number;};declare class Signature { readonly r: bigint; readonly s: bigint; readonly recovery?: number | undefined; constructor(r: bigint, s: bigint, recovery?: number | undefined); static fromCompact(hex: Hex): Signature; assertValidity(): this; addRecoveryBit(rec: number): SignatureWithRecovery; hasHighS(): boolean; normalizeS(): Signature; recoverPublicKey(msgh: Hex): Point; toCompactRawBytes(): Uint8Array; toCompactHex(): string;}type HmacFnSync = undefined | ((key: Bytes, ...msgs: Bytes[]) => Bytes);declare function signAsync(msgh: Hex, priv: PrivKey, opts?: { lowS?: boolean | undefined; extraEntropy?: boolean | Hex | undefined;}): Promise<SignatureWithRecovery>;declare function sign(msgh: Hex, priv: PrivKey, opts?: { lowS?: boolean | undefined; extraEntropy?: boolean | Hex | undefined;}): SignatureWithRecovery;type SigLike = { r: bigint; s: bigint;};declare function verify(sig: Hex | SigLike, msgh: Hex, pub: Hex, opts?: { lowS?: boolean | undefined;}): boolean;declare function getSharedSecret(privA: Hex, pubB: Hex, isCompressed?: boolean): Bytes;declare function hashToPrivateKey(hash: Hex): Bytes;declare const etc: { hexToBytes: (hex: string) => Bytes; bytesToHex: (b: Bytes) => string; concatBytes: (...arrs: Bytes[]) => Uint8Array; bytesToNumberBE: (b: Bytes) => bigint; numberToBytesBE: (num: bigint) => Bytes; mod: (a: bigint, b?: bigint) => bigint; invert: (num: bigint, md?: bigint) => bigint; hmacSha256Async: (key: Bytes, ...msgs: Bytes[]) => Promise<Bytes>; hmacSha256Sync: HmacFnSync; hashToPrivateKey: typeof hashToPrivateKey; randomBytes: (len?: number) => Bytes;};declare const utils: { normPrivateKeyToScalar: (p: PrivKey) => bigint; isValidPrivateKey: (key: Hex) => boolean; randomPrivateKey: () => Bytes; precompute(w?: number, p?: Point): Point;};export { getPublicKey, sign, signAsync, verify, CURVE, // Remove the export to easily use in REPLgetSharedSecret, etc, utils, Point as ProjectivePoint, Signature };