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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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About The Project

A technology agnostic cli for common semantic versioning operations.

Built with Deno 🦕


Binaries can be found in the Releases section. Get the latest or install from a supported package manager below.

Installing from binaries or package manager does not require the Deno runtime to also be installed.


brew install optum/tap/semver

via optum

From Source

Installation from source will require Deno to be installed.


deno install -A -n semver


git clone
cd semver-cli
deno task install


semver <command>

  semver get            Get the version
  semver set <current>  Set the version
  semver inc            Increment the version
  semver parse [value]  Parse the version

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]


The get, set and inc commands operate against your working directory. They all operate against a VERSION file found in the root folder of your project.

If the VERSION file is not found the default version is 0.1.0. The inc command will create the VERSION file if it doesn’t already exist.

The parse command can accept an optional version string as input, if one is not provided it will read from the VERSION file, if that is not found the version will be 0.1.0.


# No VERSION file
semver get # 0.1.0
# Sets the VERSION file to 1.2.3 specifically
semver set 1.2.3  # 1.2.3
# Gets the version and increments it, but does not update the VERSION file
semver get minor # 1.3.0
semver get # 1.2.3
# parses a version string
semver parse 1.0.0 # {"major":1,"minor":1,"patch":0,"prerelease":[],"build":[]}


When calling the command inc the VERSION file will be updated based on the sub command specified, major, minor, patch, none. Additional metadata may be added to the version using the --pre and --build parameters. If the --name parameter is specified then that will be used instead of the default pre. If the same prerelease name is used multiple times the prerelease number will be incremented and it defaults to 0 if set initially or changed to a new name. If the argument --value is set then the prerelease number will be specifically set to the value provided.

none can be used to synchronize new or out of sync files with post hooks, and also it can be used in conjunction with --pre and --build without incrementing the main version numbers.


semver set 1.2.3
semver inc none  # 1.2.3
semver inc patch # 1.2.4
semver inc minor # 1.3.0
semver inc major # 2.0.0
semver set 1.2.3-pre.0
semver inc --pre              # 1.2.3-pre.1
semver inc --pre --value 10   # 1.2.3-pre.10
semver inc --pre --name alpha # 1.2.3-alpha.0
semver inc --build 1          # 1.2.3-alpha.1+1
semver inc --pre \
  --name alpha \
  --value 11 \
  --build abc123              # 1.2.3-alpha.11+abc123

Increment Post Hooks

In addition to updating the VERSION file, semver can optionally update source code files in your project. To configure the version command you can provide a configuration file at .github/version.yml.

There are a number of supported post hook kinds and a number of supported known project kinds which make updating source code files easy.

post hook kind

kind description
replace replaced the previous version string with the next version string in a file
patch supports auto-updating a set of well known file types (e.g. package.json)
regexp replaces matching string using a regexp

patch file kinds

file kind description
.csproj Updates the <PropertyGroup><Version>0.1.0</Version></PropertyGroup> element
package.json Updates the "version": "0.1.0" of the package.json and package-lock.json
Chart.yaml Updates the version: 0.1.0 of the chart file
pom.xml Updates the <project><version>0.1.0</version></project> element

If you would like another well known file type supported please file an issue or contribute a pull request. The replace or regexp post hook kinds are flexible in the meantime.


    # Updates both package.json and package-lock.json
    - kind: patch
      file: package.json
    # Uses non-matching groups to isolate the version to replace.
    - kind: regexp
      file: src/info.js
      pattern: '^(?<=export const version = ").*(?=";)$'


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag “enhancement”. Don’t forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.
