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The Official Sentry Deno SDK
interface Breadcrumb
import { type Breadcrumb } from "";

Sentry uses breadcrumbs to create a trail of events that happened prior to an issue. These events are very similar to traditional logs but can record more rich structured data.


type: string

By default, all breadcrumbs are recorded as default, which makes them appear as a Debug entry, but Sentry provides other types that influence how the breadcrumbs are rendered. For more information, see the description of recognized breadcrumb types.

level: SeverityLevel

Allowed values are, from highest to lowest: fatal, error, warning, info, and debug. Levels are used in the UI to emphasize and deemphasize the crumb. The default is info.

event_id: string
category: string

Typically it is a module name or a descriptive string. For instance, could be used to indicate that a click happened in the UI or flask could be used to indicate that the event originated in the Flask framework.

message: string

If a message is provided, it is rendered as text with all whitespace preserved.

data: { [key: string]: any; }

Contains a dictionary whose contents depend on the breadcrumb type. Additional parameters that are unsupported by the type are rendered as a key/value table.

timestamp: number

The format is a numeric (integer or float) value representing the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Unixepoch. Breadcrumbs are most useful when they include a timestamp, as it creates a timeline leading up to an event expection/error.