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Scrape and parse search engine results using SerpApi.
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import { loadSync } from "";import { afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, describe, it,} from "";import { assertEquals, assertInstanceOf, assertRejects,} from "";import { Stub, stub } from "";import { InvalidTimeoutError, MissingApiKeyError } from "../src/errors.ts";import { getAccount, getLocations } from "../src/serpapi.ts";import { _internals } from "../src/utils.ts";import { config } from "../src/config.ts";
loadSync({ export: true });const SERPAPI_TEST_KEY = Deno.env.get("SERPAPI_TEST_KEY") ?? "";const HAS_API_KEY = SERPAPI_TEST_KEY.length > 0;const BASE_URL = Deno.env.get("ENV_TYPE") === "local" ? "http://localhost:3000" : "";
describe("getAccount", { sanitizeOps: false, // TODO(seb): look into how we can avoid setting these to false sanitizeResources: false,}, () => { let urlStub: Stub;
beforeAll(() => { urlStub = stub(_internals, "getBaseUrl", () => BASE_URL); });
afterEach(() => { config.api_key = null; });
afterAll(() => { urlStub.restore(); });
it("with no api_key", () => { assertRejects( async () => await getAccount({ api_key: "" }), MissingApiKeyError, ); assertRejects( async () => await getAccount({}), MissingApiKeyError, ); assertRejects( async () => await getAccount(), MissingApiKeyError, ); });
it("with invalid timeout", { ignore: !HAS_API_KEY, }, () => { config.api_key = SERPAPI_TEST_KEY; assertRejects( async () => await getAccount({ timeout: 0 }), InvalidTimeoutError, ); assertRejects( async () => await getAccount({ timeout: -10 }), InvalidTimeoutError, ); });
it("async/await", { ignore: !HAS_API_KEY, }, async () => { const info = await getAccount({ api_key: SERPAPI_TEST_KEY, timeout: 10000, }); assertEquals(Object.keys(info).sort(), [ "account_email", "account_id", "account_rate_limit_per_hour", "api_key", "extra_credits", "last_hour_searches", "plan_id", "plan_name", "plan_searches_left", "searches_per_month", "this_hour_searches", "this_month_usage", "total_searches_left", ]); });
it("callback", { ignore: !HAS_API_KEY, }, async () => { const info = await new Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getAccount>>>( (res) => getAccount({ api_key: SERPAPI_TEST_KEY, timeout: 10000 }, res), ); assertEquals(Object.keys(info).sort(), [ "account_email", "account_id", "account_rate_limit_per_hour", "api_key", "extra_credits", "last_hour_searches", "plan_id", "plan_name", "plan_searches_left", "searches_per_month", "this_hour_searches", "this_month_usage", "total_searches_left", ]); });
it("rely on global config", { ignore: !HAS_API_KEY, }, async () => { config.api_key = SERPAPI_TEST_KEY; const info = await getAccount(); assertEquals(Object.keys(info).sort(), [ "account_email", "account_id", "account_rate_limit_per_hour", "api_key", "extra_credits", "last_hour_searches", "plan_id", "plan_name", "plan_searches_left", "searches_per_month", "this_hour_searches", "this_month_usage", "total_searches_left", ]); });});
describe("getLocations", { sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false,}, () => { let urlStub: Stub;
beforeAll(() => { urlStub = stub(_internals, "getBaseUrl", () => BASE_URL); });
afterAll(() => { urlStub.restore(); });
it("with invalid timeout", () => { assertRejects( async () => await getLocations({ timeout: 0 }), InvalidTimeoutError, ); assertRejects( async () => await getLocations({ timeout: -10 }), InvalidTimeoutError, ); });
it("async/await", async () => { const locations = await getLocations({ limit: 3 }); assertInstanceOf(locations, Array); assertEquals(locations.length, 3); });
it("callback", async () => { const locations = await new Promise< Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getLocations>> >( (res) => getLocations({ limit: 3 }, res), ); assertInstanceOf(locations, Array); assertEquals(locations.length, 3); });
it("without parameters", async () => { const locations = await getLocations(); assertInstanceOf(locations, Array); });});