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Scrape and parse search engine results using SerpApi.
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export type AppleReviewsParameters = { /** * Product Id * Parameter defines the ID of a product you want to get the reviews for. * You can find the ID of a product from [App Store * API]( json results, * You can also get it from the URL of the app. For example * `product_id` of * "", is the long * numerical value that comes after "id", 534220544 (default). */ product_id: string;
/** * Store Region * Parameter defines the country to use for the search. It's a two-letter country * code. (e.g., `us` (default) for the United States, `uk` for United Kingdom, or * `fr` for France). Head to the [Apple Regions]( * for a full list of supported Apple Regions. */ country?: string;
/** * Page Number * Parameter is used to get the items on a specific page. (e.g., 1 (default) is the * first page of results, 2 is the 2nd page of results, 3 is the 3rd page of * results, etc.). */ page?: string;
/** * Sort by * Parameter is used for sorting reviews. * It can be set to: * `mostrecent`: Most recent (default), * `mosthelpful`: Most helpful */ sort?: string;};