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Scrape and parse search engine results using SerpApi.
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import { configSync } from "";import { afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, describe, it,} from "";import { assertSpyCalls, resolvesNext, Stub, stub,} from "";import { assertEquals, assertMatch, assertRejects, assertThrows,} from "";import { _internals, buildUrl, execute, validateApiKey, validateTimeout,} from "../src/utils.ts";import { config } from "../src/config.ts";import { InvalidTimeoutError, MissingApiKeyError } from "../src/errors.ts";
configSync({ export: true });const BASE_URL = Deno.env.get("ENV_TYPE") === "local" ? "http://localhost:3000" : "";
describe("validateApiKey", () => { afterEach(() => { config.api_key = null; });
it("with no api_key", () => { assertThrows(() => validateApiKey(""), MissingApiKeyError); assertThrows(() => validateApiKey(undefined), MissingApiKeyError); });
it("with api_key set in config", () => { config.api_key = "api_key"; assertThrows(() => validateApiKey(""), MissingApiKeyError); assertEquals(validateApiKey(undefined), "api_key"); });
it("with empty api_key set in config", () => { config.api_key = ""; assertThrows(() => validateApiKey(""), MissingApiKeyError); assertThrows(() => validateApiKey(undefined), MissingApiKeyError); });
it("with api_key", () => { assertEquals(validateApiKey(" "), " "); assertEquals(validateApiKey("asd"), "asd"); });});
describe("validateTimeout", () => { afterEach(() => { config.timeout = 60000; });
it("with invalid timeout", () => { assertThrows(() => validateTimeout(0), InvalidTimeoutError); assertThrows(() => validateTimeout(-10), InvalidTimeoutError); });
it("with timeout set in config", () => { config.timeout = 10000; assertThrows(() => validateTimeout(0), InvalidTimeoutError); assertEquals(validateTimeout(undefined), 10000); });
it("with invalid timeout set in config", () => { config.timeout = -1; assertThrows(() => validateTimeout(0), InvalidTimeoutError); assertThrows(() => validateTimeout(undefined), InvalidTimeoutError); });
it("with valid timeout", () => { assertEquals(validateTimeout(1), 1); assertEquals(validateTimeout(10000), 10000); });});
describe("buildUrl", () => { let urlStub: Stub;
beforeAll(() => { urlStub = stub(_internals, "getBaseUrl", () => BASE_URL); });
afterAll(() => { urlStub.restore(); });
it("with blank path and empty parameters", () => { assertEquals(buildUrl("", {}), `${BASE_URL}?`); });
it("with path and empty parameters", () => { assertEquals(buildUrl("/", {}), `${BASE_URL}/?`); });
it("with path and parameters", () => { assertEquals( buildUrl("/search", { q: "coffee", gl: "us" }), `${BASE_URL}/search?q=coffee&gl=us`, ); });
it("with undefined parameters", () => { assertEquals( buildUrl("/search", { q: "coffee", gl: undefined, hl: null }), `${BASE_URL}/search?q=coffee&hl=null`, ); });});
describe("execute", { sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false,}, () => { let urlStub: Stub;
beforeAll(() => { urlStub = stub(_internals, "getBaseUrl", () => BASE_URL); });
afterAll(() => { urlStub.restore(); });
it("with path and parameters calls fetch with source appended", async () => { const fetchStub = stub( _internals, "fetch", resolvesNext([new Response("data")]), ); try { await execute("/search", { q: "coffee", gl: "us" }, 4000); } finally { fetchStub.restore(); }
assertSpyCalls(fetchStub, 1); const url = fetchStub.calls[0].args[0] as string; // e.g. deno@1.28.2 assertMatch( url, /source=(nodejs|deno)%40\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/, ); });
it("with short timeout", () => { assertRejects(async () => await execute("/search", { q: "coffee", gl: "us" }, 1) ); });});