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Scrape and parse search engine results using SerpApi.
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import { build, emptyDir } from "";
await emptyDir("./npm");
const version = Deno.args[0];if (!version) { throw new Error( "Specify a version as the first argument, e.g. `deno task npm 0.0.1`", );}
await build({ entryPoints: ["./mod.ts"], outDir: "./npm", shims: { deno: true, // Required for `Deno.test`, `Deno.env`, etc. domException: true, // relies on DOMException undici: true, // Required for `fetch` }, package: { name: "serpapi", version, description: "Scrape and parse search engine results using SerpApi.", license: "MIT", repository: { type: "git", url: "git+", }, bugs: { url: "", }, keywords: [ "serpapi", "serp api", "scrape", "google", "search", "api", "query", "json", "html", "image", "automated", "localization", "news", "seo", "walmart", "yahoo", "yandex", "scholar", "bing", "baidu", "ebay", "youtube", "apple", "store", "app", "homedepot", "naver", "duckduckgo", ], contributors: [ { name: "Sebastian Quek", email: "" }, ], },});
Deno.copyFileSync("LICENSE", "npm/LICENSE");Deno.copyFileSync("", "npm/");