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Scrape and parse search engine results using SerpApi.
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import type { EngineMap } from "./engines/engine_map.ts";import { version } from "../version.ts";
type UrlParameters = Record< string, string | number | boolean | undefined | null>;
/** * This `_internals` object is needed to support stubbing/spying of * fetch, execute and getBaseUrl. * * * If fetch is stubbed via `globalThis`, the test phase of the npm build fails. * ```ts * const fetchStub = stub(globalThis, "fetch", resolvesNext([new Response("data")])); * ``` * * [`dnt`]( shims `fetch` by relying on the * `undici` package. It replaces all references to `fetch` with `dntShim.fetch`. * As a side effect, stubbing `globalThis.fetch` becomes incorrect; we want to * stub `dntShim.fetch` instead. * * As a workaround, the `_internals` object serves as an indirection and we * stub the `fetch` key of this object instead. */export const _internals = { fetch: fetch, execute: execute, getBaseUrl: getBaseUrl,};
/** Facilitates stubbing in tests, e.g. localhost as the base url */function getBaseUrl() { return "";}
type NextParametersKeys<E extends keyof EngineMap> = Omit< EngineMap[E]["parameters"], "api_key" | "no_cache" | "async" | "timeout">;type NextParameters<E extends keyof EngineMap> = { [K in keyof NextParametersKeys<E>]: string;};export function extractNextParameters< E extends keyof EngineMap,>(json: { serpapi_pagination?: { next: string }; pagination?: { next: string };}) { const nextUrlString = json["serpapi_pagination"]?.["next"] || json["pagination"]?.["next"];
if (nextUrlString) { const nextUrl = new URL(nextUrlString); const nextParameters = Object.fromEntries(nextUrl.searchParams.entries()); delete nextParameters["engine"]; return nextParameters as NextParameters<E>; }}
export function haveParametersChanged( parameters: Record<string, unknown>, nextParameters: Record<string, unknown>,) { const keys = [ ...Object.keys(parameters), ...Object.keys(nextParameters), ]; const uniqueKeys = new Set(keys); return [...uniqueKeys].some((key) => `${parameters[key]}` !== `${nextParameters[key]}` // string comparison );}
function getSource() { const moduleSource = `serpapi@${version}`; try { // Check if running in Node.js // dnt-shim-ignore // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const nodeVersion = (globalThis as any).process?.versions?.node; if (nodeVersion) { return `nodejs@${nodeVersion},${moduleSource}`; }
// Assumes running in Deno instead. // Deno.version is not shimmed since it's not used when ran in a Node env. // dnt-shim-ignore // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const denoVersion = (globalThis as any).Deno?.version?.deno; if (denoVersion) { return `deno@${denoVersion},${moduleSource}`; }
return `nodejs,${moduleSource}`; } catch { // If something unexpectedly occurs, revert to "nodejs". return `nodejs,${moduleSource}`; }}
export function buildUrl<P extends UrlParameters>( path: string, parameters: P,): string { const nonUndefinedParams: [string, string][] = Object.entries(parameters) .filter(([_, value]) => value !== undefined) .map(([key, value]) => [key, `${value}`]); const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(nonUndefinedParams); return `${_internals.getBaseUrl()}${path}?${searchParams}`;}
export async function execute<P extends UrlParameters>( path: string, parameters: P, timeout: number,): Promise<Response> { const url = buildUrl(path, { ...parameters, source: getSource(), }); return await _internals.fetch(url, { signal: AbortSignal.timeout(timeout), });}