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Serve SPA

deno doc

Make frontend apps with Deno.


deno run [OPTION]... [ROOT]


Spins up a dev server for single-page applications (SPA). Serves static files from ROOT or current directory if not specified. Compiles TypeScript on the fly.


  • -q, --quiet

    Suppress logging.

  • -p, --port PORT

    Port to listen on. Default is 8123.

  • --index-fallback

    Render root index.html at every extension-less path that doesn’t match a file or directory.

  • --import-map-file IMPORT_MAP_FILE

    Inject import map JSON file into HTML files. Use this to use your Deno import map in the browser.

  • --path-alias URL_PATH=FS_PATH

    Rewrite URL_PATH to FS_PATH.

  • --cors

    Enable CORS.

  • --jsx MODE

    Enable JSX transformation. Available modes are “classic” and “automatic”.

  • --jsx-import-source IMPORT_SOURCE

    Set the import source when JSX mode is “automatic”.

  • --jsx-factory FACTORY

    Set the JSX factory when JSX mode is “classic”.

  • --jsx-fragment-factory FACTORY

    Set the JSX fragment factory when JSX mode is “classic”.



import { serveSpa } from "";

Deno.serve({ port }, async (request) => {
  return await serveSpa(request, {
    fsRoot: "./web",
    indexFallback: true,
    pathAliasMap: {
      "/favicon.png": "../logo.png",
      "/utils/*": "../utils/",
    importMapFile: "../deno.json",