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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { listenAndServe, ServeOptions, ServerRequest } from "./server.ts";import { internalServerError, notFound } from "./responder.ts";import ListenOptions = Deno.ListenOptions;
export type RoutedServerRequest = ServerRequest & { match?: RegExpMatchArray;};
/** Basic handler for http request */export type HttpHandler = (req: RoutedServerRequest) => unknown;
/** Global error handler for requests */export type ErrorHandler = (e: unknown, req: RoutedServerRequest) => unknown;
/** * Find the match that appeared in the nearest position to the beginning of word. * If positions are same, the longest one will be picked. * Return -1 and null if no match found. * */export function findLongestAndNearestMatch( pathname: string, patterns: (string | RegExp)[]): { index: number; match: RegExpMatchArray } { let lastMatchIndex = pathname.length; let lastMatchLength = 0; let match: RegExpMatchArray | null = null; let index = -1; for (let i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { const pattern = patterns[i]; if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { const m = pathname.match(pattern); if (!m) continue; if ( m.index < lastMatchIndex || (m.index === lastMatchIndex && m[0].length > lastMatchLength) ) { index = i; match = m; lastMatchIndex = m.index; lastMatchLength = m[0].length; } } else if ( pathname.startsWith(pattern) && pattern.length > lastMatchLength ) { index = i; match = [pattern]; lastMatchIndex = 0; lastMatchLength = pattern.length; } } return { index, match };}
export interface HttpRouter { /** Set global middleware */ use(handler: HttpHandler);
handle(pattern: string | RegExp, handlers: HttpHandler);
/** Set global error handler. Only one handler can be set at same time */ handleError(handler: ErrorHandler);
listen(addr: string | ListenOptions, opts?: ServeOptions): void;}
/** create HttpRouter object */export function createRouter(): HttpRouter { const middlewares: HttpHandler[] = []; const finalErrorHandler = async (e: unknown, req: RoutedServerRequest) => { if (e) { console.error(e); } await req.respond(internalServerError()); }; let errorHandler: ErrorHandler = finalErrorHandler; const routes: { pattern: string | RegExp; handlers: HttpHandler[] }[] = []; function handle(pattern: string | RegExp, ...handlers: HttpHandler[]) { routes.push({ pattern, handlers }); } function use(middleware: HttpHandler) { middlewares.push(middleware); } function handleError(handler: ErrorHandler) { errorHandler = handler; } function listen(addr: string, opts?: ServeOptions) { const handleInternal = async req => { let { pathname } = new URL(req.url, "http://localhost"); for (const middleware of middlewares) { await middleware(req); if (req.isResponded()) { return; } } const { index, match } = findLongestAndNearestMatch( pathname, => v.pattern) ); if (index > -1) { const { handlers } = routes[index]; for (const handler of handlers) { await handler(Object.assign(req, { match })); if (req.isResponded()) { break; } } if (!req.isResponded()) { return await req.respond(notFound()); } } else { return await req.respond(notFound()); } }; const handler = async req => { const onError = async (e: unknown) => { try { await errorHandler(e, req); } catch (e) { if (!req.isResponded()) { await finalErrorHandler(e, req); } } finally { if (!req.isResponded()) { await finalErrorHandler(undefined, req); } } }; return handleInternal(req).catch(onError); }; listenAndServe(addr, handler, opts); } return { handle, use, handleError, listen };}