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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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import { MultipartReader } from "./vendor/https/";import { FormFile, isFormFile} from "./vendor/https/";import Reader = Deno.Reader;export interface MultipartBody { field(field: string): string | undefined; file(field: string): FormFile | undefined; removeAllTempFiles(): Promise<void>;}
/** * Parse multipart/form-data request * @param req ServerRequest * @param maxMemory maximum memory size for file part. * Small file will be stored in memory, Big file in tempfile */export async function parserMultipartRequest( req: { headers: Headers; body?: Reader }, maxMemory?: number): Promise<MultipartBody> { //Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryO5quBRiT4G7Vm3R7 const contentType = req.headers.get("content-type"); if (!req.body) { throw new Error("request has no body"); } if (!contentType || !contentType.match("multipart/form-data")) { throw new Error("is not multipart request"); } let m = contentType.match(/boundary=([^ ]+?)$/); if (!m) { throw new Error("doesn't have boundary"); } const boundary = m[1]; const reader = new MultipartReader(req.body, boundary); const form = await reader.readForm(maxMemory); return { field(field: string): string | undefined { const v = form[field]; if (typeof v === "string") { return v; } }, file(field: string): FormFile | undefined { const v = form[field]; if (isFormFile(v)) { return v; } }, async removeAllTempFiles(): Promise<void> { const arr = Object.values(form).filter(isFormFile) as FormFile[]; const promises: Promise<void>[] = []; for (const v of arr) { if (v.tempfile) { promises.push( (async () => { try { const stat = await Deno.stat(v.tempfile); if (stat.isFile()) { await Deno.remove(v.tempfile); } } catch (e) {} })() ); } } await Promise.all(promises); } };}