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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { createRouter, findLongestAndNearestMatch } from "./router.ts";import { runIfMain, test } from "";import { defer } from "./promises.ts";import { assert, assertEquals} from "";import { StringReader } from "";
test(function httpMatchNearest() { assertEquals( findLongestAndNearestMatch("/foo", ["/foo", "/bar", "/f"]).index, 0 ); assertEquals( findLongestAndNearestMatch("/foo", ["/foo", "/foo/bar"]).index, 0 ); assertEquals( findLongestAndNearestMatch("/foo/bar", [ "/", "/foo", "/hoo", "/hoo/foo/bar", "/foo/bar" ]).index, 4 ); assertEquals( findLongestAndNearestMatch("/foo/bar/foo", ["/foo", "/foo/bar", "/bar/foo"]) .index, 1 ); assertEquals( findLongestAndNearestMatch("/foo", ["/", "/hoo", "/hoo/foo"]).index, 0 ); assertEquals( findLongestAndNearestMatch("/deno/land", [/d(.+?)o/, /d(.+?)d/]).index, 1 ); assertEquals(findLongestAndNearestMatch("/foo", ["/", "/a/foo"]).index, 0); assertEquals( findLongestAndNearestMatch("/foo", [/\/foo/, /\/bar\/foo/]).index, 0 ); assertEquals( findLongestAndNearestMatch("/foo", [/\/a\/foo/, /\/foo/]).index, 1 );});test(async function router() { const server = createRouter(); server.handle("/index", async req => { await req.respond({ status: 200, headers: new Headers({ "content-type": "text/plain" }), body: new StringReader("ok") }); }); server.handle(new RegExp("/foo/(?<id>.+)"), async req => { const { id } = req.match.groups; await req.respond({ status: 200, headers: new Headers({ "content-type": "application/json" }), body: new StringReader(JSON.stringify({ id })) }); }); server.handle("/no-response", async req => {}); const cancel = defer<void>(); try { server.listen("", { cancel: cancel.promise }); { const res1 = await fetch(""); const text = await res1.body.text(); assertEquals(res1.status, 200); assertEquals(text, "ok"); } { const res2 = await fetch(""); const json = await res2.body.json(); assertEquals(res2.status, 200); assertEquals(res2.headers.get("content-type"), "application/json"); assertEquals(json["id"], "123"); } { const res = await fetch(""); assertEquals(res.status, 500); const text = await res.body.text(); assert(!!text.match("Not Responded")); } { const res = await fetch(""); const text = await res.body.text(); assertEquals(res.status, 404); assert(!!text.match("Not Found")); } } finally { cancel.resolve(); }});