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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { runIfMain, test } from "./vendor/https/";import { MultipartWriter } from "./vendor/https/";import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrowsAsync} from "./vendor/https/";import { parserMultipartRequest } from "./body_parser.ts";import * as fs from "./vendor/https/";import Buffer = Deno.Buffer;import { it } from "./test_util.ts";
it("multipart", t => {"basic", async () => { const buf = new Buffer(); const w = new MultipartWriter(buf); await w.writeField("deno", "land"); const f = await"./"); await w.writeFile("file", "", f); await w.close(); f.close(); const m = await parserMultipartRequest( { headers: new Headers({ "content-type": w.formDataContentType() }), body: buf }, 1000 ); assertEquals(m.field("hoge"), undefined); assertEquals(m.field("deno"), "land"); const mfile = m.file("file")!; assertEquals(mfile.filename, ""); assert(mfile.tempfile !== undefined, "temp file should be created"); await m.removeAllTempFiles(); assertEquals(await fs.exists(mfile.tempfile!), false); });"should throw if content-type is invalid", async () => { const body = new Buffer(); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => { await parserMultipartRequest({ headers: new Headers(), body }); }, Error, "is not multipart" ); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => { await parserMultipartRequest({ headers: new Headers({ "content-type": "application/json" }), body }); }, Error, "is not multipart" ); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => { await parserMultipartRequest({ headers: new Headers({ "content-type": "multipart/form-data; " }), body }); }, Error, "doesn't have boundary" ); });});