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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { Router } from "./router.ts";import { createRecorder } from "./testing.ts";import { assertEquals, assert, assertThrowsAsync} from "./vendor/https/";import { RoutingError } from "./error.ts";import { kHttpStatusMessages } from "./serveio.ts";
export type SetupFunc = () => any | Promise<any>;export interface Testing { run(desc: string, body: () => void | Promise<void>): void; beforeAfterAll(func: () => SetupFunc | Promise<SetupFunc>): void; beforeAfterEach(func: () => SetupFunc | Promise<SetupFunc>): void;}export function it( desc: string, func: (t: Testing) => void, ignore: boolean = false,) { let testCnt = 0; let beforeAllFunc: SetupFunc | undefined; let afterAllFunc: SetupFunc | undefined; let beforeEachFunc: SetupFunc | undefined; let afterEachFunc: SetupFunc | undefined; function beforeAfterAll(func: SetupFunc) { beforeAllFunc = func; } function beforeAfterEach(func: SetupFunc) { beforeEachFunc = func; } function run(desc2: string, func2: () => any | Promise<any>) { Deno.test({ name: `${desc} ${desc2}`, disableResourceSanitizer: true, disableOpSanitizer: true, fn: async () => { if (ignore) { console.warn("ignored"); return; } if (testCnt === 0 && beforeAllFunc) { afterAllFunc = await beforeAllFunc(); } testCnt++; try { if (beforeEachFunc) { afterEachFunc = await beforeEachFunc(); } await func2(); } finally { if (afterEachFunc) { await afterEachFunc(); } testCnt--; // @ts-ignore queueMicrotask(async () => { if (testCnt === 0 && afterAllFunc) { await afterAllFunc(); } }); } }, }); } func({ beforeAfterAll, beforeAfterEach, run });}
export function makeGet(router: Router, method = "GET") { return async function get(url: string) { const rec = createRecorder({ method, url }); await router.handleRoute("", rec); return rec.response(); };}
export async function assertRoutingError( f: () => Promise<any>, status: number,) { await assertThrowsAsync(f, RoutingError, kHttpStatusMessages[status]);}