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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import * as path from "./vendor/https/";/** * Find the match that appeared in the nearest position to the beginning of word. * If positions are same, the longest one will be picked. * Return -1 and null if no match found. * */export function findLongestAndNearestMatches( pathname: string, patterns: (string | RegExp)[],): [number, RegExpMatchArray][] { let lastMatchIndex = pathname.length; let lastMatchLength = 0; let ret: [number, RegExpMatchArray][] = []; for (let i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { const pattern = patterns[i]; if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { // Regex pattern always matches pathname in ignore case mode const match = pathname.match(new RegExp(pattern, "i")); if (!match || match.index == null) { continue; } const { index } = match; const [tgt] = match; if ( index <= lastMatchIndex || (index === lastMatchIndex && tgt.length >= lastMatchLength) ) { if (tgt.length > lastMatchLength || index < lastMatchIndex) { ret = []; } ret.push([i, match]); lastMatchIndex = index; lastMatchLength = tgt.length; } } else if ( // req.url is raw requested url string that // may contain capitalized strings. // However router compares them by normalized strings // "/path" matches both "/path" and "/Path". pathname.toLowerCase() === pattern.toLowerCase() && pattern.length >= lastMatchLength ) { if (pattern.length > lastMatchLength) { ret = []; } const reg = new RegExp(pathname, "i"); const match = pathname.match(reg)!; ret.push([i, match]); lastMatchIndex = 0; lastMatchLength = pattern.length; } } return ret;}
export async function resolveIndexPath( dir: string, pathname: string, extensions: string[] = [".html"],): Promise<string | undefined> { let filepath = path.join(dir, pathname); const fileExists = async (s: string): Promise<boolean> => { try { const stat = await Deno.stat(s); return stat.isFile(); } catch (e) { return false; } finally { } }; if (await fileExists(filepath)) { return filepath; } for (const ext of extensions) { if ( filepath.endsWith("/") && (await fileExists(path.resolve(filepath + "index" + ext))) ) { return filepath + "index" + ext; } else if (await fileExists(path.resolve(filepath + ext))) { return filepath + ext; } }}