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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { Router } from "./router.ts";import { assertThrowsAsync, AssertionError,} from "./vendor/https/";import { RoutingError } from "./error.ts";import { createRecorder } from "./testing.ts";import { encode } from "./vendor/https/";import { red, green } from "./vendor/https/";import { STATUS_TEXT } from "./vendor/https/";
type PromiseOrVal<T> = T | Promise<T>;export type SetupFunc = () => PromiseOrVal<TearDownFunc | void>;export type TearDownFunc = () => PromiseOrVal<void>;
export interface GroupBody { setupAll(func: SetupFunc): void; setupEach(func: SetupFunc): void; test: typeof Deno.test;}export type GroupHead = Omit<Deno.TestDefinition, "fn">;type TestFunc = () => PromiseOrVal<void>;export async function group( desc: string | GroupHead, body: (p: GroupBody) => void,): Promise<void> { const prefix = typeof desc === "string" ? desc :; let opts: GroupHead; if (typeof desc !== "string") { opts = { ...desc }; } else { opts = { name: desc }; } let setupAllFuncs: (SetupFunc)[] = []; let setupEachFuncs: (SetupFunc)[] = []; function setupAll(f: SetupFunc): void { setupAllFuncs.push(f); } function setupEach(f: SetupFunc): void { setupEachFuncs.push(f); } const tests: Deno.TestDefinition[] = []; function wrap(funcs: SetupFunc[], fn: TestFunc): TestFunc { return async () => { const tearDowns: (TearDownFunc)[] = []; for (const setupFunc of funcs) { if (!setupFunc) continue; const tearDown = await setupFunc?.(); if (!tearDown) continue; tearDowns.push(tearDown); } try { await fn(); } finally { for (let i = tearDowns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const tearDown = tearDowns[i]; await tearDown?.(); } } }; } function test(f: TestFunc): void; function test(s: string, f: TestFunc): void; function test(d: Deno.TestDefinition): void; function test( arg1: (TestFunc | string | Deno.TestDefinition), arg2?: TestFunc, ) { let fn: TestFunc; let name: string; if (typeof arg1 === "function") { fn = arg1; name = ?? ""; } else if (typeof arg1 === "string") { if (arg2 == null) throw new Error("invalid arg"); name = arg1; fn = arg2; } else { name =; fn = arg1.fn; } tests.push({ ...opts, name, fn: wrap(setupEachFuncs, fn) }); } body({ test, setupAll, setupEach }); Deno.test({ ...opts, fn: wrap(setupAllFuncs, async () => { await Deno.writeAll(Deno.stdout, encode("\n")); for (const { fn, name } of tests) { await Deno.writeAll(Deno.stdout, encode(` ${name} ... `)); try { await fn(); await Deno.writeAll(Deno.stdout, encode(green("ok") + "\n")); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof AssertionError) { await Deno.writeAll(Deno.stdout, encode(red("FAILED") + "\n")); } else { await Deno.writeAll(Deno.stdout, encode(red("ERROR") + "\n")); } throw e; } } }), });}
export function makeGet(router: Router, method = "GET") { return async function get(url: string) { const rec = createRecorder({ method, url }); await router.handleRoute("", rec); return rec.response(); };}
export async function assertRoutingError( f: () => Promise<any>, status: number,) { await assertThrowsAsync(f, RoutingError, STATUS_TEXT.get(status));}