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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { toIMF } from "./vendor/https/";
export interface SetCookieOpts { expires?: Date; maxAge?: number; domain?: string; path?: string; secure?: boolean; httpOnly?: boolean; sameSite?: "Strict" | "Lax" | "None";}
export interface Cookie extends SetCookieOpts { name: string; value: string;}
export function parseCookie(header: string): Map<string, string> { const query = decodeURIComponent(header) .split(";") .map((v) => v.trim()) .join("&"); return new Map(new URLSearchParams(query).entries());}
export function parseSetCookie(header: string): Cookie { const m = header.match(/^(.+?)=(.+?);(.+?)$/); if (!m) { throw new Error("invalid cookie header"); } const [_, name, value, optStr] = m; const optMap = new Headers( optStr.split(";").map((i) => { const [k, v] = i.trim().split("="); return [k, v] as [string, string]; }), ); const domain = optMap.get("Domain") || undefined; const path = optMap.get("Path") || undefined; const secure = optMap.has("Secure") || undefined; const httpOnly = optMap.has("HttpOnly") || undefined; const sameSite = optMap.get("SameSite") || undefined; let expires: Date | undefined; if (optMap.has("Expires")) { const e = optMap.get("Expires")!; expires = new Date(e); } let maxAge: number | undefined; if (optMap.has("Max-Age")) { const m = optMap.get("Max-Age")!; maxAge = parseInt(m); } if ( typeof sameSite === "string" && sameSite !== "Lax" && sameSite !== "Strict" ) { throw new Error("sameSite is invalid"); } return { name, value, expires, maxAge, domain, path, secure, httpOnly, sameSite, };}
export function cookieToString( name: string, value: string, opts: SetCookieOpts = {},) { const out: string[] = []; out.push(`${encodeURIComponent(name)}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`); if (opts.expires != null) { out.push("Expires=" + toIMF(opts.expires)); } if (opts.maxAge != null) { if (!Number.isInteger(opts.maxAge) || opts.maxAge <= 0) { throw new TypeError("maxAge must be integer and > 0"); } out.push("Max-Age=" + opts.maxAge); } if (opts.domain != null) { out.push("Domain=" + opts.domain); } if (opts.path != null) { out.push("Path=" + opts.path); } if ( != null) { out.push("Secure"); } if (opts.httpOnly != null) { out.push("HttpOnly"); } if (opts.sameSite != null) { out.push("SameSite=" + opts.sameSite); } return out.join("; ");}
export interface CookieSetter { setCookie(name: string, value: string, opts?: SetCookieOpts): void; clearCookie(name: string, opts?: { path?: string }): void;}
export function cookieSetter(responseHeaders: Headers): CookieSetter { function clearCookie(name: string, opts: { path?: string } = {}) { const out: string[] = []; out.push(`${name}=`); if (opts.path) { out.push("Path=" + opts.path); } // Set past date out.push("Expires=" + toIMF(new Date(0))); const v = out.join("; "); responseHeaders.append("Set-Cookie", v); } function setCookie(name: string, value: string, opts: SetCookieOpts = {}) { responseHeaders.append("Set-Cookie", cookieToString(name, value, opts)); } return { setCookie, clearCookie };}