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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { basicAuth } from "./middleware.ts";import { group } from "./_test_util.ts";import { assertEquals } from "./vendor/https/";import { createRecorder } from "./testing.ts";group("middleware", ({ test }) => { test("basicAuth", async () => { const auth = basicAuth({ credentials: [{ username: "deno", password: "land", }], message: "hello", }); let req = createRecorder({ url: "/", method: "GET", }); await auth(req); let resp = await req.response(); assertEquals(resp.status, 401); assertEquals(resp.headers.has("www-authenticate"), true); assertEquals(await resp.text(), "hello"); const up = btoa("deno:land"); req = createRecorder({ url: "/", method: "GET", headers: new Headers({ "authorization": `Basic ${up}`, }), }); await auth(req); assertEquals(req.isResponded(), false); }); test("basicAuth failed", async () => { const patterns = [ "Basic hoge", `Basic ${btoa("deno:js")}`, `Basic ${btoa("deno:")}`, "Basic", ]; const auth = basicAuth({ credentials: [{ username: "deno", password: "land", }], message: "hello", }); for (const pat of patterns) { let req = createRecorder({ url: "/", method: "GET", headers: new Headers({ "authorization": pat, }), }); await auth(req); assertEquals(req.isResponded(), true); const resp = await req.response(); assertEquals(resp.status, 401); } });});