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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { createRecorder } from "./testing.ts";import { assertEquals, assertMatch, assertThrowsAsync,} from "./vendor/https/";import { serveJsx } from "./serve_jsx.ts";import { pathResolver } from "./_util.ts";import { group } from "./_test_util.ts";
group("serveJsx", (t) => { const func = serveJsx( pathResolver(import.meta)("./fixtures/public"), (f) => import(f), ); t.test("basic", async () => { const rec = createRecorder({ url: "/", method: "GET", }); await func(rec); const resp = await rec.response(); assertEquals(resp.status, 200); assertMatch(resp.headers.get("content-type")!, /text\/html/); assertEquals( await resp.text(), '<html data-reactroot="">deno</html>', ); }); t.test("should throw if jsx file has no default export", async () => { const rec = createRecorder({ url: "/empty", method: "GET" }); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => { await func(rec); }, Error, "jsx: jsx/tsx files served by serveJsx must has default export!", ); }); t.test("should throw if default export is not function", async () => { const rec = createRecorder({ url: "/not-component", method: "GET" }); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => { await func(rec); }, Error, "jsx: default export must be React component!", ); });});