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/* [MS-OLEPS] 2.2 PropertyType *///var VT_EMPTY = 0x0000;//var VT_NULL = 0x0001;var VT_I2 = 0x0002;var VT_I4 = 0x0003;//var VT_R4 = 0x0004;//var VT_R8 = 0x0005;//var VT_CY = 0x0006;//var VT_DATE = 0x0007;//var VT_BSTR = 0x0008;//var VT_ERROR = 0x000A;var VT_BOOL = 0x000B;var VT_VARIANT = 0x000C;//var VT_DECIMAL = 0x000E;//var VT_I1 = 0x0010;//var VT_UI1 = 0x0011;//var VT_UI2 = 0x0012;var VT_UI4 = 0x0013;//var VT_I8 = 0x0014;//var VT_UI8 = 0x0015;//var VT_INT = 0x0016;//var VT_UINT = 0x0017;var VT_LPSTR = 0x001E;//var VT_LPWSTR = 0x001F;var VT_FILETIME = 0x0040;var VT_BLOB = 0x0041;//var VT_STREAM = 0x0042;//var VT_STORAGE = 0x0043;//var VT_STREAMED_Object = 0x0044;//var VT_STORED_Object = 0x0045;//var VT_BLOB_Object = 0x0046;var VT_CF = 0x0047;//var VT_CLSID = 0x0048;//var VT_VERSIONED_STREAM = 0x0049;var VT_VECTOR = 0x1000;//var VT_ARRAY = 0x2000;
var VT_STRING = 0x0050; // VtStringvar VT_USTR = 0x0051; // VtUnalignedStringvar VT_CUSTOM = [VT_STRING, VT_USTR];
/* [MS-OSHARED] Document Summary Information PIDDSI */var DocSummaryPIDDSI = { /*::[*/0x01/*::]*/: { n: 'CodePage', t: VT_I2 }, /*::[*/0x02/*::]*/: { n: 'Category', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x03/*::]*/: { n: 'PresentationFormat', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x04/*::]*/: { n: 'ByteCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x05/*::]*/: { n: 'LineCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x06/*::]*/: { n: 'ParagraphCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x07/*::]*/: { n: 'SlideCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x08/*::]*/: { n: 'NoteCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x09/*::]*/: { n: 'HiddenCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x0a/*::]*/: { n: 'MultimediaClipCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x0b/*::]*/: { n: 'ScaleCrop', t: VT_BOOL }, /*::[*/0x0c/*::]*/: { n: 'HeadingPairs', t: VT_VECTOR | VT_VARIANT }, /*::[*/0x0d/*::]*/: { n: 'TitlesOfParts', t: VT_VECTOR | VT_LPSTR }, /*::[*/0x0e/*::]*/: { n: 'Manager', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x0f/*::]*/: { n: 'Company', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x10/*::]*/: { n: 'LinksUpToDate', t: VT_BOOL }, /*::[*/0x11/*::]*/: { n: 'CharacterCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x13/*::]*/: { n: 'SharedDoc', t: VT_BOOL }, /*::[*/0x16/*::]*/: { n: 'HyperlinksChanged', t: VT_BOOL }, /*::[*/0x17/*::]*/: { n: 'AppVersion', t: VT_I4, p: 'version' }, /*::[*/0x18/*::]*/: { n: 'DigSig', t: VT_BLOB }, /*::[*/0x1A/*::]*/: { n: 'ContentType', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x1B/*::]*/: { n: 'ContentStatus', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x1C/*::]*/: { n: 'Language', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x1D/*::]*/: { n: 'Version', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0xFF/*::]*/: {}};
/* [MS-OSHARED] Summary Information Property Set PIDSI */var SummaryPIDSI = { /*::[*/0x01/*::]*/: { n: 'CodePage', t: VT_I2 }, /*::[*/0x02/*::]*/: { n: 'Title', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x03/*::]*/: { n: 'Subject', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x04/*::]*/: { n: 'Author', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x05/*::]*/: { n: 'Keywords', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x06/*::]*/: { n: 'Comments', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x07/*::]*/: { n: 'Template', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x08/*::]*/: { n: 'LastAuthor', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x09/*::]*/: { n: 'RevNumber', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x0A/*::]*/: { n: 'EditTime', t: VT_FILETIME }, /*::[*/0x0B/*::]*/: { n: 'LastPrinted', t: VT_FILETIME }, /*::[*/0x0C/*::]*/: { n: 'CreatedDate', t: VT_FILETIME }, /*::[*/0x0D/*::]*/: { n: 'ModifiedDate', t: VT_FILETIME }, /*::[*/0x0E/*::]*/: { n: 'PageCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x0F/*::]*/: { n: 'WordCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x10/*::]*/: { n: 'CharCount', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0x11/*::]*/: { n: 'Thumbnail', t: VT_CF }, /*::[*/0x12/*::]*/: { n: 'Application', t: VT_STRING }, /*::[*/0x13/*::]*/: { n: 'DocSecurity', t: VT_I4 }, /*::[*/0xFF/*::]*/: {}};
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(function() { for(var y in SpecialProperties) if(, y)) DocSummaryPIDDSI[y] = SummaryPIDSI[y] = SpecialProperties[y];})();
var DocSummaryRE/*:{[key:string]:string}*/ = evert_key(DocSummaryPIDDSI, "n");var SummaryRE/*:{[key:string]:string}*/ = evert_key(SummaryPIDSI, "n");
/* [MS-XLS] 2.4.63 Country/Region codes */var CountryEnum = { /*::[*/0x0001/*::]*/: "US", // United States /*::[*/0x0002/*::]*/: "CA", // Canada /*::[*/0x0003/*::]*/: "", // Latin America (except Brazil) /*::[*/0x0007/*::]*/: "RU", // Russia /*::[*/0x0014/*::]*/: "EG", // Egypt /*::[*/0x001E/*::]*/: "GR", // Greece /*::[*/0x001F/*::]*/: "NL", // Netherlands /*::[*/0x0020/*::]*/: "BE", // Belgium /*::[*/0x0021/*::]*/: "FR", // France /*::[*/0x0022/*::]*/: "ES", // Spain /*::[*/0x0024/*::]*/: "HU", // Hungary /*::[*/0x0027/*::]*/: "IT", // Italy /*::[*/0x0029/*::]*/: "CH", // Switzerland /*::[*/0x002B/*::]*/: "AT", // Austria /*::[*/0x002C/*::]*/: "GB", // United Kingdom /*::[*/0x002D/*::]*/: "DK", // Denmark /*::[*/0x002E/*::]*/: "SE", // Sweden /*::[*/0x002F/*::]*/: "NO", // Norway /*::[*/0x0030/*::]*/: "PL", // Poland /*::[*/0x0031/*::]*/: "DE", // Germany /*::[*/0x0034/*::]*/: "MX", // Mexico /*::[*/0x0037/*::]*/: "BR", // Brazil /*::[*/0x003d/*::]*/: "AU", // Australia /*::[*/0x0040/*::]*/: "NZ", // New Zealand /*::[*/0x0042/*::]*/: "TH", // Thailand /*::[*/0x0051/*::]*/: "JP", // Japan /*::[*/0x0052/*::]*/: "KR", // Korea /*::[*/0x0054/*::]*/: "VN", // Viet Nam /*::[*/0x0056/*::]*/: "CN", // China /*::[*/0x005A/*::]*/: "TR", // Turkey /*::[*/0x0069/*::]*/: "JS", // Ramastan /*::[*/0x00D5/*::]*/: "DZ", // Algeria /*::[*/0x00D8/*::]*/: "MA", // Morocco /*::[*/0x00DA/*::]*/: "LY", // Libya /*::[*/0x015F/*::]*/: "PT", // Portugal /*::[*/0x0162/*::]*/: "IS", // Iceland /*::[*/0x0166/*::]*/: "FI", // Finland /*::[*/0x01A4/*::]*/: "CZ", // Czech Republic /*::[*/0x0376/*::]*/: "TW", // Taiwan /*::[*/0x03C1/*::]*/: "LB", // Lebanon /*::[*/0x03C2/*::]*/: "JO", // Jordan /*::[*/0x03C3/*::]*/: "SY", // Syria /*::[*/0x03C4/*::]*/: "IQ", // Iraq /*::[*/0x03C5/*::]*/: "KW", // Kuwait /*::[*/0x03C6/*::]*/: "SA", // Saudi Arabia /*::[*/0x03CB/*::]*/: "AE", // United Arab Emirates /*::[*/0x03CC/*::]*/: "IL", // Israel /*::[*/0x03CE/*::]*/: "QA", // Qatar /*::[*/0x03D5/*::]*/: "IR", // Iran /*::[*/0xFFFF/*::]*/: "US" // United States};
/* [MS-XLS] 2.5.127 */var XLSFillPattern = [ null, 'solid', 'mediumGray', 'darkGray', 'lightGray', 'darkHorizontal', 'darkVertical', 'darkDown', 'darkUp', 'darkGrid', 'darkTrellis', 'lightHorizontal', 'lightVertical', 'lightDown', 'lightUp', 'lightGrid', 'lightTrellis', 'gray125', 'gray0625'];
function rgbify(arr/*:Array<number>*/)/*:Array<[number, number, number]>*/ { return { return [(x>>16)&255,(x>>8)&255,x&255]; }); }
/* [MS-XLS] 2.5.161 *//* [MS-XLSB] 2.5.75 Icv */var _XLSIcv = rgbify([ /* Color Constants */ 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF00FF, 0x00FFFF,
/* Overridable Defaults */ 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF00FF, 0x00FFFF,
0x800000, 0x008000, 0x000080, 0x808000, 0x800080, 0x008080, 0xC0C0C0, 0x808080, 0x9999FF, 0x993366, 0xFFFFCC, 0xCCFFFF, 0x660066, 0xFF8080, 0x0066CC, 0xCCCCFF,
0x000080, 0xFF00FF, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FFFF, 0x800080, 0x800000, 0x008080, 0x0000FF, 0x00CCFF, 0xCCFFFF, 0xCCFFCC, 0xFFFF99, 0x99CCFF, 0xFF99CC, 0xCC99FF, 0xFFCC99,
0x3366FF, 0x33CCCC, 0x99CC00, 0xFFCC00, 0xFF9900, 0xFF6600, 0x666699, 0x969696, 0x003366, 0x339966, 0x003300, 0x333300, 0x993300, 0x993366, 0x333399, 0x333333,
/* Other entries to appease BIFF8/12 */ 0xFFFFFF, /* 0x40 icvForeground ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x41 icvBackground ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x42 icvFrame ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x43 icv3D ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x44 icv3DText ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x45 icv3DHilite ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x46 icv3DShadow ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x47 icvHilite ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x48 icvCtlText ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x49 icvCtlScrl ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x4A icvCtlInv ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x4B icvCtlBody ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x4C icvCtlFrame ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x4D icvCtlFore ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x4E icvCtlBack ?? */ 0x000000, /* 0x4F icvCtlNeutral */ 0x000000, /* 0x50 icvInfoBk ?? */ 0x000000 /* 0x51 icvInfoText ?? */]);var XLSIcv = dup(_XLSIcv);
/* [MS-XLSB] */var BErr = { /*::[*/0x00/*::]*/: "#NULL!", /*::[*/0x07/*::]*/: "#DIV/0!", /*::[*/0x0F/*::]*/: "#VALUE!", /*::[*/0x17/*::]*/: "#REF!", /*::[*/0x1D/*::]*/: "#NAME?", /*::[*/0x24/*::]*/: "#NUM!", /*::[*/0x2A/*::]*/: "#N/A", /*::[*/0x2B/*::]*/: "#GETTING_DATA", /*::[*/0xFF/*::]*/: "#WTF?"};var RBErr = evert_num(BErr);