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/* Custom File Properties Part */XMLNS.CUST_PROPS = "";RELS.CUST_PROPS = '';
var custregex = /<[^>]+>[^<]*/g;function parse_cust_props(data/*:string*/, opts) { var p = {}, name = ""; var m = data.match(custregex); if(m) for(var i = 0; i != m.length; ++i) { var x = m[i], y = parsexmltag(x); switch(y[0]) { case '<?xml': break; case '<Properties': break; case '<property': name = unescapexml(; break; case '</property>': name = null; break; default: if (x.indexOf('<vt:') === 0) { var toks = x.split('>'); var type = toks[0].slice(4), text = toks[1]; /* (CT_Variant). Omit the binary types from 22.4 (Variant Types) */ switch(type) { case 'lpstr': case 'bstr': case 'lpwstr': p[name] = unescapexml(text); break; case 'bool': p[name] = parsexmlbool(text); break; case 'i1': case 'i2': case 'i4': case 'i8': case 'int': case 'uint': p[name] = parseInt(text, 10); break; case 'r4': case 'r8': case 'decimal': p[name] = parseFloat(text); break; case 'filetime': case 'date': p[name] = parseDate(text); break; case 'cy': case 'error': p[name] = unescapexml(text); break; default: if(type.slice(-1) == '/') break; if(opts.WTF && typeof console !== 'undefined') console.warn('Unexpected', x, type, toks); } } else if(x.slice(0,2) === "</") {/* empty */ } else if(opts.WTF) throw new Error(x); } } return p;}
var CUST_PROPS_XML_ROOT = writextag('Properties', null, { 'xmlns': XMLNS.CUST_PROPS, 'xmlns:vt': XMLNS.vt});
function write_cust_props(cp/*::, opts*/)/*:string*/ { var o = [XML_HEADER, CUST_PROPS_XML_ROOT]; if(!cp) return o.join(""); var pid = 1; keys(cp).forEach(function custprop(k) { ++pid; o[o.length] = (writextag('property', write_vt(cp[k], true), { 'fmtid': '{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}', 'pid': pid, 'name': escapexml(k) })); }); if(o.length>2){ o[o.length] = '</Properties>'; o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); } return o.join("");}