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πŸ“— SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Data Toolkit
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/* Common Name -> XLML Name */var XLMLDocPropsMap = { Title: 'Title', Subject: 'Subject', Author: 'Author', Keywords: 'Keywords', Comments: 'Description', LastAuthor: 'LastAuthor', RevNumber: 'Revision', Application: 'AppName', /* TotalTime: 'TotalTime', */ LastPrinted: 'LastPrinted', CreatedDate: 'Created', ModifiedDate: 'LastSaved', /* Pages */ /* Words */ /* Characters */ Category: 'Category', /* PresentationFormat */ Manager: 'Manager', Company: 'Company', /* Guid */ /* HyperlinkBase */ /* Bytes */ /* Lines */ /* Paragraphs */ /* CharactersWithSpaces */ AppVersion: 'Version',
ContentStatus: 'ContentStatus', /* NOTE: missing from schema */ Identifier: 'Identifier', /* NOTE: missing from schema */ Language: 'Language' /* NOTE: missing from schema */};var evert_XLMLDPM = evert(XLMLDocPropsMap);
function xlml_set_prop(Props, tag/*:string*/, val) { tag = evert_XLMLDPM[tag] || tag; Props[tag] = val;}
function xlml_write_docprops(Props, opts) { var o/*:Array<string>*/ = []; keys(XLMLDocPropsMap).map(function(m) { for(var i = 0; i < CORE_PROPS.length; ++i) if(CORE_PROPS[i][1] == m) return CORE_PROPS[i]; for(i = 0; i < EXT_PROPS.length; ++i) if(EXT_PROPS[i][1] == m) return EXT_PROPS[i]; throw m; }).forEach(function(p) { if(Props[p[1]] == null) return; var m = opts && opts.Props && opts.Props[p[1]] != null ? opts.Props[p[1]] : Props[p[1]]; switch(p[2]) { case 'date': m = new Date(m).toISOString().replace(/\.\d*Z/,"Z"); break; } if(typeof m == 'number') m = String(m); else if(m === true || m === false) { m = m ? "1" : "0"; } else if(m instanceof Date) m = new Date(m).toISOString().replace(/\.\d*Z/,""); o.push(writetag(XLMLDocPropsMap[p[1]] || p[1], m)); }); return writextag('DocumentProperties', o.join(""), {xmlns:XLMLNS.o });}function xlml_write_custprops(Props, Custprops/*::, opts*/) { var BLACKLIST = ["Worksheets","SheetNames"]; var T = 'CustomDocumentProperties'; var o/*:Array<string>*/ = []; if(Props) keys(Props).forEach(function(k) { /*:: if(!Props) return; */ if(!, k)) return; for(var i = 0; i < CORE_PROPS.length; ++i) if(k == CORE_PROPS[i][1]) return; for(i = 0; i < EXT_PROPS.length; ++i) if(k == EXT_PROPS[i][1]) return; for(i = 0; i < BLACKLIST.length; ++i) if(k == BLACKLIST[i]) return;
var m = Props[k]; var t = "string"; if(typeof m == 'number') { t = "float"; m = String(m); } else if(m === true || m === false) { t = "boolean"; m = m ? "1" : "0"; } else m = String(m); o.push(writextag(escapexmltag(k), m, {"dt:dt":t})); }); if(Custprops) keys(Custprops).forEach(function(k) { /*:: if(!Custprops) return; */ if(!, k)) return; if(Props &&, k)) return; var m = Custprops[k]; var t = "string"; if(typeof m == 'number') { t = "float"; m = String(m); } else if(m === true || m === false) { t = "boolean"; m = m ? "1" : "0"; } else if(m instanceof Date) { t = ""; m = m.toISOString(); } else m = String(m); o.push(writextag(escapexmltag(k), m, {"dt:dt":t})); }); return '<' + T + ' xmlns="' + XLMLNS.o + '">' + o.join("") + '</' + T + '>';}