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var strs = {}; // shared stringsvar _ssfopts = {}; // spreadsheet formatting options
RELS.WS = [ "", ""];
/*global Map */var browser_has_Map = typeof Map !== 'undefined';
function get_sst_id(sst/*:SST*/, str/*:string*/, rev)/*:number*/ { var i = 0, len = sst.length; if(rev) { if(browser_has_Map ? rev.has(str) :, str)) { var revarr = browser_has_Map ? rev.get(str) : rev[str]; for(; i < revarr.length; ++i) { if(sst[revarr[i]].t === str) { sst.Count ++; return revarr[i]; } } } } else for(; i < len; ++i) { if(sst[i].t === str) { sst.Count ++; return i; } } sst[len] = ({t:str}/*:any*/); sst.Count ++; sst.Unique ++; if(rev) { if(browser_has_Map) { if(!rev.has(str)) rev.set(str, []); rev.get(str).push(len); } else { if(!, str)) rev[str] = []; rev[str].push(len); } } return len;}
function col_obj_w(C/*:number*/, col) { var p = ({min:C+1,max:C+1}/*:any*/); /* wch (chars), wpx (pixels) */ var wch = -1; if(col.MDW) MDW = col.MDW; if(col.width != null) p.customWidth = 1; else if(col.wpx != null) wch = px2char(col.wpx); else if(col.wch != null) wch = col.wch; if(wch > -1) { p.width = char2width(wch); p.customWidth = 1; } else if(col.width != null) p.width = col.width; if(col.hidden) p.hidden = true; return p;}
function default_margins(margins/*:Margins*/, mode/*:?string*/) { if(!margins) return; var defs = [0.7, 0.7, 0.75, 0.75, 0.3, 0.3]; if(mode == 'xlml') defs = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5]; if(margins.left == null) margins.left = defs[0]; if(margins.right == null) margins.right = defs[1]; if( == null) = defs[2]; if(margins.bottom == null) margins.bottom = defs[3]; if(margins.header == null) margins.header = defs[4]; if(margins.footer == null) margins.footer = defs[5];}
function get_cell_style(styles/*:Array<any>*/, cell/*:Cell*/, opts) { var z = opts.revssf[cell.z != null ? cell.z : "General"]; var i = 0x3c, len = styles.length; if(z == null && opts.ssf) { for(; i < 0x188; ++i) if(opts.ssf[i] == null) { SSF.load(cell.z, i); // $FlowIgnore opts.ssf[i] = cell.z; opts.revssf[cell.z] = z = i; break; } } for(i = 0; i != len; ++i) if(styles[i].numFmtId === z) return i; styles[len] = { numFmtId:z, fontId:0, fillId:0, borderId:0, xfId:0, applyNumberFormat:1 }; return len;}
function safe_format(p/*:Cell*/, fmtid/*:number*/, fillid/*:?number*/, opts, themes, styles) { try { if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid]; } catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; } if(p.t === 'z') return; if(p.t === 'd' && typeof p.v === 'string') p.v = parseDate(p.v); if(!opts || opts.cellText !== false) try { if(SSF._table[fmtid] == null) SSF.load(SSFImplicit[fmtid] || "General", fmtid); if(p.t === 'e') p.w = p.w || BErr[p.v]; else if(fmtid === 0) { if(p.t === 'n') { if((p.v|0) === p.v) p.w = SSF._general_int(p.v); else p.w = SSF._general_num(p.v); } else if(p.t === 'd') { var dd = datenum(p.v); if((dd|0) === dd) p.w = SSF._general_int(dd); else p.w = SSF._general_num(dd); } else if(p.v === undefined) return ""; else p.w = SSF._general(p.v,_ssfopts); } else if(p.t === 'd') p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,datenum(p.v),_ssfopts); else p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,p.v,_ssfopts); } catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; } if(!opts.cellStyles) return; if(fillid != null) try { p.s = styles.Fills[fillid]; if (p.s.fgColor && p.s.fgColor.theme && !p.s.fgColor.rgb) { p.s.fgColor.rgb = rgb_tint(themes.themeElements.clrScheme[p.s.fgColor.theme].rgb, p.s.fgColor.tint || 0); if(opts.WTF) p.s.fgColor.raw_rgb = themes.themeElements.clrScheme[p.s.fgColor.theme].rgb; } if (p.s.bgColor && p.s.bgColor.theme) { p.s.bgColor.rgb = rgb_tint(themes.themeElements.clrScheme[p.s.bgColor.theme].rgb, p.s.bgColor.tint || 0); if(opts.WTF) p.s.bgColor.raw_rgb = themes.themeElements.clrScheme[p.s.bgColor.theme].rgb; } } catch(e) { if(opts.WTF && styles.Fills) throw e; }}
function check_ws(ws/*:Worksheet*/, sname/*:string*/, i/*:number*/) { if(ws && ws['!ref']) { var range = safe_decode_range(ws['!ref']); if(range.e.c < range.s.c || range.e.r < range.s.r) throw new Error("Bad range (" + i + "): " + ws['!ref']); }}