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Upgrade your terminal with GPT-4. Ask questions, automate commands, pipe I/O, etc. Made with Deno.
import { DEFAULT_CONFIG, VERSION, loadConfig, saveConfig } from "./lib/data.ts";import { REPO_INSTALL_URL, getLatestVersion, install, isLatestVersion } from "./lib/update.ts";
console.log(`%cShellGPT ${VERSION} installer`, 'font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold;')
let config = await loadConfig()if (config && Object.keys(config).length > 0) { console.log('Found existing config file at %c~/.gpt/config.json', 'font-weight: bold')}
const latestVersion = await getLatestVersion()if (!await isLatestVersion()) { console.log(`\nNewer version of ShellGPT is available: %c${VERSION}%c -> %c${latestVersion}`, 'color: #f00', 'color: #000', 'color: #0f0')
console.log('\n%cPlease run the following command instead to update:', 'font-weight: bold; color: yellow') console.log(`%cdeno run -A ${REPO_INSTALL_URL}\n`, 'color: yellow')
const skip = prompt(`Type 'skip' to continue with the installation of an outdated version.`)
if (skip && skip.toLowerCase() === 'skip') { console.log('Skipping update...') } else { Deno.exit(0) }}
if (!config) { console.log('Creating new config at %c~/.gpt/config.json', 'font-weight: bold') config = {...DEFAULT_CONFIG} saveConfig(config)}
// What command should be used to invoke gpt?console.log(`\nWhat command should be used to invoke gpt?\n(default: %c${config.command || DEFAULT_CONFIG.command}%c, leave blank to use default)`, 'color: green', 'color: gray')const command = prompt('>')if (command) { config.command = command}
// Should the installer automatically update to the latest version?console.log(`\nWould you like ShellGPT to check for updates?\nOptions: %c(y)es - ask before installing [default]%c(a)uto-update - install updates automatically without asking(never) - never install or ask%cleave blank to use default`, 'color: green', 'color: unset', 'color: gray')const autoUpdate = prompt('>')if (autoUpdate && (autoUpdate.toLowerCase() === 'y' || autoUpdate.toLowerCase() === 'yes' || autoUpdate.toLowerCase() === 'n' || autoUpdate.toLowerCase() === 'no')) { config.autoUpdate = 'prompt'}else if (autoUpdate && (autoUpdate.toLowerCase() === 'a' || autoUpdate.toLowerCase() === 'always')) { config.autoUpdate = 'always'}else if (autoUpdate && (autoUpdate.toLowerCase() === 'never')) { config.autoUpdate = 'never'}
await saveConfig(config)
const result = await install(config)
if (result.result === 'updated') { console.log(`\n%cInstallation complete!`, 'font-weight: bold; color: green')
console.log(`\nRestart your shell and use via:\n%c$ ${config.command ?? DEFAULT_CONFIG.command} \"your command here\"`, 'font-weight: bold; color: green')
console.log(`\nTo uninstall, run:\n%c$ deno uninstall %s`, 'color: yellow', config.command ?? DEFAULT_CONFIG.command)
console.log(`\nConfigure and update via:\n$%c ${config.command ?? DEFAULT_CONFIG.command} --config`, 'font-weight: bold; color: blue')}