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A CookieStore implementation that transparently signs cookies via Web Cryptography API
import type { CookieInit, CookieList, CookieListItem, CookieStore, CookieStoreDeleteOptions, CookieStoreGetOptions,} from '';export * from '';
import { bufferSourceToUint8Array } from "";import { Base64Decoder, Base64Encoder } from "";
const EXT = '.sig';
const secretToUint8Array = (secret: string | BufferSource) => typeof secret === 'string' ? new TextEncoder().encode(secret) : bufferSourceToUint8Array(secret);
export interface SignedCookieStoreOptions { /** * One or more crypto keys that were previously used to sign cookies. * `SignedCookieStore` will try to verify the signature using these, but they are not used for signing. */ keyring?: readonly CryptoKey[],}
export interface DeriveOptions { secret: string | BufferSource | JsonWebKey salt?: BufferSource iterations?: number format?: KeyFormat, hash?: HashAlgorithmIdentifier; hmacHash?: HashAlgorithmIdentifier; length?: number,}
/** * # Signed Cookie Store * A partial implementation of the [Cookie Store API]( * that transparently signs and verifies cookies via the Web Cryptography API. * * This is likely only useful in server-side implementations, * but written in a platform-agnostic way. */export class SignedCookieStore implements CookieStore { /** * A helper function to derive a crypto key from a passphrase. */ static async deriveCryptoKey(opts: DeriveOptions): Promise<CryptoKey> { if (!opts.secret) throw Error('Secret missing');
const passphraseKey = await (opts.format === 'jwk' ? crypto.subtle.importKey('jwk', opts.secret as JsonWebKey, 'PBKDF2', false, ['deriveKey']) : crypto.subtle.importKey( opts.format ?? 'raw', secretToUint8Array(opts.secret as string | BufferSource), 'PBKDF2', false, ['deriveKey', 'deriveBits'] ) );
const key = await crypto.subtle.deriveKey( { name: 'PBKDF2', iterations: opts.iterations ?? 999, hash: opts.hash ?? 'SHA-256', salt: opts.salt ? bufferSourceToUint8Array(opts.salt) : new Base64Decoder().decode('o0kcRbdpRH+H/WQzPI028A==') }, passphraseKey, { name: 'HMAC', hash: opts.hmacHash ?? 'SHA-256', length: opts.length ?? 128 }, false, ['sign', 'verify'], );
return key }
#store: CookieStore; #keyring: readonly CryptoKey[]; #key: CryptoKey;
constructor(store: CookieStore, key: CryptoKey, opts: SignedCookieStoreOptions = {}) { this.#store = store; this.#key = key; this.#keyring = [key, ...opts.keyring ?? []]; }
#verify = async (cookie: CookieListItem, sigCookie: CookieListItem) => { for (const key of this.#keyring) { const signature = new Base64Decoder().decode(sigCookie.value); const message = new TextEncoder().encode([, cookie.value].join('=')); const ok = await crypto.subtle.verify('HMAC', key, signature, message); if (ok) return true; } return false; }
#sign = async (name: string, value: string): Promise<string> => { const message = new TextEncoder().encode([name, value].join('=')); const signature = await crypto.subtle.sign('HMAC', this.#key, message); return new Base64Encoder({ url: true }).encode(signature); }
/** * @throws if the signature doesn't match. * @returns null when the signature cookie is missing. */ get(name?: string): Promise<CookieListItem | null>; get(options?: CookieStoreGetOptions): Promise<CookieListItem | null>; async get(name?: string | CookieStoreGetOptions): Promise<CookieListItem | null> { if (typeof name !== 'string') throw Error('Overload not implemented.');
const [cookie, sigCookie] = await Promise.all([ this.#store.get(name), this.#store.get(`${name}${EXT}`), ]); if (!cookie || !sigCookie) return null;
const ok = await this.#verify(cookie, sigCookie); if (!ok) throw Error('No key in the keyring can verify signature!')
return cookie; }
/** * @throws if any signature doesn't match. * @returns A list of cookies, exclusive of all cookies without signatures */ getAll(name?: string): Promise<CookieList>; getAll(options?: CookieStoreGetOptions): Promise<CookieList>; async getAll(name?: string | CookieStoreGetOptions): Promise<CookieList> { if (name != null) throw Error('Overload not implemented.');
const all = await this.#store.getAll(); const sigCookies = all.filter(x =>
const list: CookieList = [];
for (const sigCookie of sigCookies) { const name =; const baseCookieName = name.substring(0, name.length - EXT.length); const cookie = await this.get(baseCookieName); if (cookie) list.push(cookie); }
return list; }
set(name: string, value: string): Promise<void>; set(options: CookieInit): Promise<void>; async set(options: string | CookieInit, value?: string) { const [name, val] = typeof options === 'string' ? [options, value ?? ''] : [, options.value ?? ''];
if (name.endsWith(EXT)) throw new Error('Illegal name');
const signature = await this.#sign(name, val); const sigCookieName = `${name}${EXT}`;
if (typeof options === 'string') { await Promise.all([ this.#store.set(options, val), this.#store.set(sigCookieName, signature), ]); } else { // deno-lint-ignore no-unused-vars const { name, value, ...init } = options; await Promise.all([ this.#store.set(options), this.#store.set({ ...init, name: sigCookieName, value: signature }), ]); } }
delete(name: string): Promise<void>; delete(options: CookieStoreDeleteOptions): Promise<void>; async delete(name: string | CookieStoreDeleteOptions): Promise<void> { if (typeof name !== 'string') throw Error('Overload not implemented.');
await Promise.all([ this.#store.delete(name), this.#store.delete(`${name}${EXT}`), ]); }
addEventListener(...args: Parameters<CookieStore['addEventListener']>): void { return this.#store.addEventListener(...args); } dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean { return this.#store.dispatchEvent(event); } removeEventListener(...args: Parameters<CookieStore['removeEventListener']>): void { return this.#store.removeEventListener(...args); }}