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Simplify processing for Deno.
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type WidenLiteral<T> = T extends string ? string : T extends number ? number : T extends boolean ? boolean : T;type MaybeString = string | null | undefined;type TypeStrict<T extends unknown, U extends boolean> = U extends true ? T : T | undefined;
interface PrimitiveMap{ "string": string; "number": number; "boolean": boolean;}
function strictUndef(strict?:boolean){ if(strict){ throw new Error(); }
return undefined;}
/*** Convert from dirty text to specified type.* Enabling `strict` flag will throw exception if parsing failed.* @example* ```ts* const value = primitiveParse("123", "number", true);* ```*/export function primitiveParse<T extends keyof PrimitiveMap, U extends boolean>(text:MaybeString, type:T, strict?:U):TypeStrict<PrimitiveMap[T], U>{ switch(type){ case "string": { const v = String(text);
if(text === undefined || text === null){ return <TypeStrict<PrimitiveMap[T], U>>strictUndef(strict); }
return <TypeStrict<PrimitiveMap[T], U>>v; }
case "number": { const v = Number(text);
if(text === undefined || text === null || isNaN(v)){ return <TypeStrict<PrimitiveMap[T], U>>strictUndef(strict); }
return <TypeStrict<PrimitiveMap[T], U>>v; }
case "boolean": { switch(text){ case "true": return <TypeStrict<PrimitiveMap[T], U>>true; case "false": return <TypeStrict<PrimitiveMap[T], U>>false; default: return <TypeStrict<PrimitiveMap[T], U>>strictUndef(strict); } }
default: throw new Error(); }}
/*** Convert from dirty text to specified type.* If parsing failed use default (`def`) value.* Convert to same type as default value.* @example* ```ts* const value = primitiveParseX("123", 0);* ```*/export function primitiveParseX<T extends string | number | boolean>(text:MaybeString, def:T):WidenLiteral<T>{ switch(typeof def){ case "string": { const v = String(text);
if(text === undefined || text === null){ return <WidenLiteral<T>>def; }
return <WidenLiteral<T>>v; }
case "number": { const v = Number(text);
if(text === undefined || text === null || isNaN(v)){ return <WidenLiteral<T>>def; }
return <WidenLiteral<T>>v; }
case "boolean": { switch(text){ case "true": return <WidenLiteral<T>>true; case "false": return <WidenLiteral<T>>false; default: return <WidenLiteral<T>>def; } }
default: throw new Error(); }}