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Simplify processing for Deno.
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/*** Convert from string to UTF-8 binary.* @example* ```ts* const text = "HelloWorld!";* const encode = u8Encode(text);* const decode = u8Decode(encode);* ```*/export function u8Encode(data:string):Uint8Array{ return new TextEncoder().encode(data);}
/*** Convert from UTF-8 binary to string.* @example* ```ts* const text = "HelloWorld!";* const encode = u8Encode(text);* const decode = u8Decode(encode);* ```*/export function u8Decode(data:Uint8Array):string{ return new TextDecoder().decode(data);}
/*** Convert from any encoded binary to string.* Default codec is SHIFT-JIS.* @example* ```ts* const bin = await Deno.readFile("./file");* const decode = textDecode(bin);* ```*/export function textDecode(data:Uint8Array, codec?:string):string{ return new TextDecoder(codec ?? "shift-jis").decode(data);}
/*** Convert from binary to hex string.* @example* ```ts* const bin = await Deno.readFile("./file");* const encode = hexEncode(bin);* const decode = hexDecode(encode);* ```*/export function hexEncode(data:Uint8Array):string{ return [].map(v => pad0(v, 2, 16)).join("");}
/*** Convert from hex string to binary.* @example* ```ts* const bin = await Deno.readFile("./file");* const encode = hexEncode(bin);* const decode = hexDecode(encode);* ```*/export function hexDecode(data:string):Uint8Array{ return new Uint8Array(data.match(/[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/g)?.map(v => Number(`0x${v}`)) ?? []);}
/*** Trim head and tail blank, remove CR and consecutive space (tab, LF) to single space (tab, LF).* @example* ```ts* const format = trimExtend(" Lorem ipsum\r dolor sit \r\r amet. ");* ```*/export function trimExtend(data:string):string{ return data.trim().replace(/\r/g, "").replace(/ +/g, " ").replace(/\t+/g, "\t").replace(/\n+/g, "\n").replace(/^ /mg, "").replace(/ $/mg, "");}
/*** Convert half-width string (ex: Japanese Kana) to full-width and full-width alphanumeric symbols to half-width.* @example* ```ts* const format = fixWidth("1+1=2");* ```*/export function fixWidth(data:string):string{ return Object.entries({ "ヴ": "ヴ", "ガ": "ガ", "ギ": "ギ", "グ": "グ", "ゲ": "ゲ", "ゴ": "ゴ", "ザ": "ザ", "ジ": "ジ", "ズ": "ズ", "ゼ": "ゼ", "ゾ": "ゾ", "ダ": "ダ", "ヂ": "ヂ", "ヅ": "ヅ", "デ": "デ", "ド": "ド", "バ": "バ", "ビ": "ビ", "ブ": "ブ", "ベ": "ベ", "ボ": "ボ", "パ": "パ", "ピ": "ピ", "プ": "プ", "ペ": "ペ", "ポ": "ポ", "ア": "ア", "イ": "イ", "ウ": "ウ", "エ": "エ", "オ": "オ", "カ": "カ", "キ": "キ", "ク": "ク", "ケ": "ケ", "コ": "コ", "サ": "サ", "シ": "シ", "ス": "ス", "セ": "セ", "ソ": "ソ", "タ": "タ", "チ": "チ", "ツ": "ツ", "テ": "テ", "ト": "ト", "ナ": "ナ", "ニ": "ニ", "ヌ": "ヌ", "ネ": "ネ", "ノ": "ノ", "ハ": "ハ", "ヒ": "ヒ", "フ": "フ", "ヘ": "ヘ", "ホ": "ホ", "マ": "マ", "ミ": "ミ", "ム": "ム", "メ": "メ", "モ": "モ", "ヤ": "ヤ", "ユ": "ユ", "ヨ": "ヨ", "ラ": "ラ", "リ": "リ", "ル": "ル", "レ": "レ", "ロ": "ロ", "ワ": "ワ", "ヲ": "ヲ", "ン": "ン", "ァ": "ァ", "ィ": "ィ", "ゥ": "ゥ", "ェ": "ェ", "ォ": "ォ", "ッ": "ッ", "ャ": "ャ", "ュ": "ュ", "ョ": "ョ", "、": "、", "。": "。", "・": "・", "ー": "ー", "「": "「", "」": "」", "A": "A", "B": "B", "C": "C", "D": "D", "E": "E", "F": "F", "G": "G", "H": "H", "I": "I", "J": "J", "K": "K", "L": "L", "M": "M", "N": "N", "O": "O", "P": "P", "Q": "Q", "R": "R", "S": "S", "T": "T", "U": "U", "V": "V", "W": "W", "X": "X", "Y": "Y", "Z": "Z", "a": "a", "b": "b", "c": "c", "d": "d", "e": "e", "f": "f", "g": "g", "h": "h", "i": "i", "j": "j", "k": "k", "l": "l", "m": "m", "n": "n", "o": "o", "p": "p", "q": "q", "r": "r", "s": "s", "t": "t", "u": "u", "v": "v", "w": "w", "x": "x", "y": "y", "z": "z", "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "3", "4": "4", "5": "5", "6": "6", "7": "7", "8": "8", "9": "9", "!": "!", """: "\"", "#": "#", "$": "$", "%": "%", "&": "&", "'": "'", "(": "(", ")": ")", "*": "*", "+": "+", ",": ",", "-": "-", ".": ".", "/": "/", ":": ":", ";": ";", "<": "<", "=": "=", ">": ">", "?": "?", "@": "@", "[": "[", "\": "\\", "]": "]", "^": "^", "_": "_", "`": "`", "{": "{", "|": "|", "}": "}", "~": "~", " ": " " }).reduce((text, [k, v]) => text.replace(new RegExp(k, "g"), v), data);}
/*** Clean up text with `fixWidth()` and `trimExtend()`.* @example* ```ts* const format = cleanText("1 + 1 = 2 ");* ```*/export function cleanText(data:string):string{ return trimExtend(fixWidth(data));}
/*** Accurately recognize string that contain character above `0x010000` and array them one by character.* Useful for calculate number of characters with string contains emoji.* @example* ```ts* const characters = accurateSegment("😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣");* ```*/export function accurateSegment(data:string):string[]{ return [ Intl.Segmenter().segment(data)].map(({segment}) => segment);}
/*** Create string with zero padding at beginning of number.* Output is 2 digits by default.* @example* ```ts* const pad = pad0(8);* ```*/export function pad0(data:number, digit?:number, radix?:number):string{ return data.toString(radix).toUpperCase().padStart(digit ?? 2, "0");}