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Simplify processing for Deno.
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import * as simpleUtility from "";


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Accurately recognize string that contain character above 0x010000 and array them one by character. Useful for calculate number of characters with string contains emoji.

Convert from binary to base64 encoded DataURL. Default MIME type is application/octet-stream.

Convert from base64 encoded string to binary.

Convert from binary to base64 encoded string.

Convert from blob to specified data type.

Concat multiple buffer sources into single binary.

Clean up text with fixWidth() and trimExtend().

Find all input textarea elements with id attribute and convert them to key-value record.

System-wide user config directory path for each OS. ~/.config for UNIX and ~/AppData/Roaming for Windows.

Register TaskAction and return reusable task execution context. Worker instance is created and destroyed each time they run TaskContext. import can only use "syntax", not "declaration".

Convert from CSV string to object array. If parsing failed of cell value use default (def) value. Convert to same type as default value.

Convert from object array to CSV string.

System-wide application data directory path for each OS. /var for UNIX and C:/ProgramData for Windows.

structuredClone() with argument type added.

Applies Object.freeze() recursively.

Applies Object.seal() recursively.

Decompress DEFLATE format binary. Default codec is DEFLATE with no header (RFC-1951) and name in WebAPI specification is "deflate-raw".

Compress binary with DEFLATE format. Default codec is DEFLATE with no header (RFC-1951) and name in WebAPI specification is "deflate-raw".

Wait for specified time. Return actual elapsed wait time.

Derive SHA2 hash value from binary. Default is SHA-256.

Generate serialized string from current or any Date to "yyyyMMddhhmmss".

Convert from EXCEL workbook to workbook object.

Convert from EXCEL workbook to sheetjs raw workbook object.

Convert from workbook object to EXCEL workbook.

Convert from sheetjs raw workbook object to EXCEL workbook.

Download and parse web page.

Extended fetch function that can specify response type directly.

Convert half-width string (ex: Japanese Kana) to full-width and full-width alphanumeric symbols to half-width.

Generate random binary with any number of bytes.

Find all elements with name attribute.

Get value by id search. .value for <input>, .textContent for <textarea> and .value of .selected for <select> <dataset>.

Gets value of .checked in group of radio buttons.

Get value by name search. .value for <input>, .textContent for <textarea> and .value of .selected for <select> <dataset>.

Convert from hex string to binary.

Convert from binary to hex string.

System-wide home directory path for each OS. ${HOME} for UNIX and %USERPROFILE% for Windows.

Read JSON file and convert to object. If JSON file does not exist create new file with default value. Argument default value also act as type definition.

Read JSON file and convert to object.

Convert from object to JSON and write to file.

Start logging. Output to console for general and also write to file if path is defined.

Directory of Deno.mainModule.

Decode binary of "minipack" format.

Concatenate files with "minipack" format.

Create string with zero padding at beginning of number. Output is 2 digits by default.

Convert from HTML to DOM.

Decrypt binary. Algorithm is AES-GCM with 128 bits key, 128 bits tag and 96 bits IV. IV is read from head of cipher.

Encrypt binary. Algorithm is AES-GCM with 128 bits key, 128 bits tag and 96 bits IV. IV is prepended to cipher.

Generate exportable public-key pair for ECDH. Curve algorithm is "NIST P-256".

Generate exportable public-key pair for ECDSA. Curve algorithm is "NIST P-256".

Create signature using private-key.

Verify signature using public-key.

Convert from dirty text to specified type. Enabling strict flag will throw exception if parsing failed.

Convert from dirty text to specified type. If parsing failed use default (def) value. Convert to same type as default value.

Run command as subprocess.

Convert from backslash to slash. Useful for converting from Windows path to UNIX path.

Convert from slash to backslash. Useful for converting from UNIX path to Windows path.

Send E-MAIL using SMTP.

Convert from stream to binary.

Convert from binary to stream.

Convert from any encoded binary to string. Default codec is SHIFT-JIS.

System-wide temporary directory path for each OS. /tmp for UNIX and C:/Windows/Temp for Windows.

Trim head and tail blank, remove CR and consecutive space (tab, LF) to single space (tab, LF).

Convert from UTF-8 binary to string.

Convert from string to UTF-8 binary.

Date from UNIX time. Note that in seconds not milliseconds.

UNIX time in seconds. If no args will be current time. Note that in seconds not milliseconds.

Convert from formatted datetime string such as ISO8601 to UNIX time in seconds.

Convert from ZIP archive to named binary.

Convert from named binary to ZIP archive.


Simple name and data pair.

Added query which allows you to specify query string and secret which allows you to specify secret value to RequestInit.

E-MAIL message.

Workbook Object

Worksheet Cell Object

Worksheet Object

Type Aliases

Make interfaces acceptable in Record type arguments.

Serialized CryptoKeyPair.

Content of processing run by worker thread.

Run registered TaskAction in worker thread.