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Bluetooth LE bindings for Node, Deno and Bun using SimpleBLE.
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interface Bindings
import { type Bindings } from "";

SimpleBLE bindings.


simpleble_adapter_get_count(): number

Returns the number of available adapters.

simpleble_adapter_get_handle(index: number): Adapter

Returns a handle to an adapter.

simpleble_adapter_release_handle(handle: Adapter): void

Deallocate the resources associated with an adapter.

simpleble_adapter_identifier(handle: Adapter): string

Get the human-readable adapter name.

simpleble_adapter_address(handle: Adapter): string

Get the unique MAC address.

simpleble_adapter_scan_for(handle: Adapter, timeout: number): boolean

Scan for timeout milliseconds (blocks the main thread).

simpleble_adapter_scan_start(handle: Adapter): boolean

Start scanning for peripherals.

simpleble_adapter_scan_stop(handle: Adapter): boolean

Stop scanning for peripherals.

simpleble_adapter_scan_is_active(handle: Adapter): boolean

Returns the scanning status.

simpleble_adapter_scan_get_results_count(handle: Adapter): number

Returns the number of peripherals.

simpleble_adapter_scan_get_results_handle(handle: Adapter, index: number): Peripheral

Returns a handle to a peripheral.

simpleble_adapter_get_paired_peripherals_count(handle: Adapter): number

Returns the number of paired peripherals.

simpleble_adapter_get_paired_peripherals_handle(handle: Adapter, index: number): Peripheral

Returns a handle to a paired peripheral.

handle: Adapter,
cb: (adapter: Adapter, userdata: UserData) => void,
userdata: UserData,
): boolean

Register a callback for when the adapter begins scanning.

handle: Adapter,
cb: (adapter: Adapter, userdata: UserData) => void,
userdata: UserData,
): boolean

Register a callback for when the adapter stops scanning.

handle: Adapter,
cb: (
adapter: Adapter,
peripheral: Peripheral,
userdata: UserData,
) => void
userdata: UserData,
): boolean

Register a callback for when the adapter changes.

handle: Adapter,
cb: (
adapter: Adapter,
peripheral: Peripheral,
userdata: UserData,
) => void
userdata: UserData,
): boolean

Register a callback for when a peripheral is found.

simpleble_peripheral_release_handle(handle: Peripheral): void
simpleble_peripheral_identifier(handle: Peripheral): string

The human-readable device name.

simpleble_peripheral_address(handle: Peripheral): string

The unique device address.

simpleble_peripheral_rssi(handle: Peripheral): number

Bluetooth signal strength.

simpleble_peripheral_connect(handle: Peripheral): boolean

Connect to the device.

simpleble_peripheral_disconnect(handle: Peripheral): boolean

Disconnect from the device.

simpleble_peripheral_is_connected(handle: Peripheral): boolean

Returns if the device is currently connected.

simpleble_peripheral_is_connectable(handle: Peripheral): boolean

Returns if the device can be connected to.

simpleble_peripheral_is_paired(handle: Peripheral): boolean

Returns if the device is paired or not.

simpleble_peripheral_unpair(handle: Peripheral): boolean

Unpair the device.

simpleble_peripheral_services_count(handle: Peripheral): number

Returns the number of services found.

simpleble_peripheral_services_get(handle: Peripheral, index: number): Service

Returns information about a device service.

simpleble_peripheral_manufacturer_data_count(handle: Peripheral): number

Gets the number of manufacturer data maps available.

simpleble_peripheral_manufacturer_data_get(handle: Peripheral, index: number): ManufacturerData | undefined

Returns the manufacturer's data.

handle: Peripheral,
service: string,
characteristic: string,
): Uint8Array | undefined

Reads data from the device.

handle: Peripheral,
service: string,
characteristic: string,
data: Uint8Array,
): boolean

Writes data to the device (without waiting for a response).

handle: Peripheral,
service: string,
characteristic: string,
data: Uint8Array,
): boolean

Writes data to the device.

handle: Peripheral,
service: string,
characteristic: string,
): boolean

Subscribe to device notifications.

handle: Peripheral,
service: string,
characteristic: string,
cb: (
service: string,
characteristic: string,
data: Uint8Array,
userdata: UserData,
) => void
userdata: UserData,
): boolean

Regiser a callback for when an indication (notification) is received.

handle: Peripheral,
service: string,
characteristic: string,
cb: (
service: string,
characteristic: string,
data: Uint8Array,
userdata: UserData,
) => void
userdata: UserData,
): boolean

Regiser a callback for when a device notification is received.

handle: Peripheral,
cb: (peripheral: Peripheral, userdata: UserData) => void,
userdata: UserData,
): boolean

Register a callback for when the device is connected.

handle: Peripheral,
cb: (peripheral: Peripheral, userdata: UserData) => void,
userdata: UserData,
): boolean

Register a callback for when the device is disconnected.

handle: Peripheral,
service: string,
characteristic: string,
descriptor: string,
): Uint8Array | undefined

Read data from a device descriptor.

handle: Peripheral,
service: string,
characteristic: string,
descriptor: string,
data: Uint8Array,
): boolean

Write data to a device descriptor.

simpleble_free(handle: bigint): void