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simple statistics for node & browser javascript
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/* eslint no-shadow: 0 */
const test = require("tap").test;const ss = require("../dist/simple-statistics.js");
// Force shuffling to return the first points in the array to ensure// reproducibility of tests. This works because of the way the Fisher-Yates// shuffle selects array elements via multiplication and flooring.function nonRNG() { return 1.0 - ss.epsilon;}
test("k-means clustering test", function (t) { t.test( "Single cluster of one point contains only that point", function (t) { const points = [[0.5]]; const { labels, centroids } = ss.kMeansCluster(points, 1, nonRNG); t.same(labels, [0]); t.same(centroids, [[0.5]]); t.end(); } );
t.test("Single cluster of two points contains both points", function (t) { const points = [[0.0], [1.0]]; const { labels, centroids } = ss.kMeansCluster(points, 1, nonRNG); t.same(labels, [0, 0]); t.same(centroids, [[0.5]]); t.end(); });
t.test( "Two clusters of two points puts each point in its own cluster", function (t) { const points = [[0.0], [1.0]]; const { labels, centroids } = ss.kMeansCluster(points, 2, nonRNG); t.same(labels, [0, 1]); t.same(centroids, [[0.0], [1.0]]); t.end(); } );
t.test( "Two clusters of four paired points puts each pair in a cluster", function (t) { const points = [[0.0], [1.0], [0.0], [1.0]]; const { labels, centroids } = ss.kMeansCluster(points, 2, nonRNG); t.same(labels, [0, 1, 0, 1]); t.same(centroids, [[0.0], [1.0]]); t.end(); } );
t.test( "Two clusters of two 2D points puts each point in its own cluster", function (t) { const points = [ [0.0, 0.5], [1.0, 0.5] ]; const { labels, centroids } = ss.kMeansCluster(points, 2, nonRNG); t.same(labels, [0, 1]); t.same(centroids, [ [0.0, 0.5], [1.0, 0.5] ]); t.end(); } );
t.test("Base case of one value", function (t) { t.throws(() => { ss.kMeansCluster([1], 2, nonRNG); }); t.end(); });
t.test( "Two clusters of three 2D points puts two points in one cluster and one in the other", function (t) { const points = [ [0.0, 0.5], [1.0, 0.5], [0.1, 0.0] ]; const { labels, centroids } = ss.kMeansCluster(points, 2, nonRNG); t.same(labels, [0, 1, 0]); t.same(centroids, [ [0.05, 0.25], [1.0, 0.5] ]); t.end(); } );