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simple statistics for node & browser javascript
import max from "./max.js";import silhouette from "./silhouette.js";
/** * Calculate the [silhouette metric]( * for a set of N-dimensional points arranged in groups. The metric is the largest * individual silhouette value for the data. * * @param {Array<Array<number>>} points N-dimensional coordinates of points. * @param {Array<number>} labels Labels of points. This must be the same length as `points`, * and values must lie in [0..G-1], where G is the number of groups. * @return {number} The silhouette metric for the groupings. * * @example * silhouetteMetric([[0.25], [0.75]], [0, 0]); // => 1.0 */function silhouetteMetric(points, labels) { const values = silhouette(points, labels); return max(values);}
export default silhouetteMetric;