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Fast HTML Canvas API implementation for Deno using Skia.
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import { CanvasRenderingContext2D } from "./context2d.ts";import ffi, { cstr, getBuffer } from "./ffi.ts";import { ColorSpace } from "./image.ts";
const { sk_canvas_create, sk_canvas_destroy, sk_canvas_save, sk_canvas_read_pixels, sk_canvas_encode_image, sk_data_free, sk_canvas_get_context,} = ffi;
const CANVAS_FINALIZER = new FinalizationRegistry((ptr: Deno.PointerValue) => { sk_canvas_destroy(ptr);});
enum CFormat { png = 0, jpeg = 1, webp = 2,}
export type ImageFormat = keyof typeof CFormat;
const OUT_SIZE = new Uint32Array(1);const OUT_SIZE_PTR = new Uint8Array(OUT_SIZE.buffer);const OUT_DATA = new BigUint64Array(1);const OUT_DATA_PTR = new Uint8Array(OUT_DATA.buffer);
const SK_DATA_FINALIZER = new FinalizationRegistry( (ptr: Deno.PointerValue) => { sk_data_free(ptr); },);
/** * Canvas is an offscreen surface that can be drawn to. * * Internally it uses Skia's `SkSurface` and raster backend. * * API is mostly compatible with the Web's `OffscreenCanvas` API, * however we also have some non-standard methods such as `save`. * * @link */export class Canvas { #ptr: Deno.PointerValue; #width: number; #height: number; #pixels: Uint8Array;
get _unsafePointer() { return this.#ptr; }
/** Zero-copy pixels buffer that gets drawn into */ get pixels() { return this.#pixels; }
get width() { return this.#width; }
get height() { return this.#height; }
constructor(width: number, height: number) { this.#pixels = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4); this.#ptr = sk_canvas_create( width, height, this.#pixels, ); if (this.#ptr === 0) { throw new Error("Failed to create canvas"); } CANVAS_FINALIZER.register(this, this.#ptr); this.#width = width; this.#height = height; }
/** * Save the canvas image to a file encoded in specified format * and quality. * * Quality is a factor between 0 and 100, where 100 is the best quality. * It represents different factors for different formats. */ save(path: string, format: ImageFormat = "png", quality = 100) { if (!sk_canvas_save(this.#ptr, cstr(path), CFormat[format], quality)) { throw new Error("Failed to save canvas"); } }
/** * Encode the canvas image into a buffer in specified format * and quality. */ encode(format: ImageFormat = "png", quality = 100) { const bufptr = sk_canvas_encode_image( this.#ptr, CFormat[format], quality, OUT_SIZE_PTR, OUT_DATA_PTR, );
if (bufptr === 0) { throw new Error("Failed to encode canvas"); }
const size = OUT_SIZE[0]; const ptr = OUT_DATA[0]; const buffer = new Uint8Array(getBuffer(bufptr, size)); SK_DATA_FINALIZER.register(buffer, ptr); return buffer; }
/** * Read pixels from the canvas into a buffer. */ readPixels( x: number = 0, y: number = 0, width?: number, height?: number, into?: Uint8Array, colorSpace: ColorSpace = "srgb", ) { width = width ?? this.#width; height = height ?? this.#height; const pixels = into ?? new Uint8Array(width * height * 4); sk_canvas_read_pixels( this.#ptr, x, y, width, height, pixels, colorSpace === "srgb" ? 0 : 1, ); return pixels; }
getContext(type: "2d"): CanvasRenderingContext2D; getContext(type: string): CanvasRenderingContext2D | null { switch (type) { case "2d": { const ptr = sk_canvas_get_context(this.#ptr); return new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this, ptr); } default: return null; } }}
/** * Creates a new canvas with the given dimensions. */export function createCanvas(width: number, height: number) { return new Canvas(width, height);}