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Fast HTML Canvas API implementation for Deno using Skia.
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import { CanvasRenderingContext2D } from "./context2d.ts";import ffi, { cstr, getBuffer } from "./ffi.ts";
const { sk_svg_destroy, sk_svg_get_buffer, sk_svg_new, sk_svg_get_context, sk_svg_write_file, sk_data_free,} = ffi;
const SVG_FINALIZER = new FinalizationRegistry((ptr: Deno.PointerValue) => { sk_svg_destroy(ptr);});
const SK_DATA_FINALIZER = new FinalizationRegistry( (ptr: Deno.PointerValue) => { sk_data_free(ptr); },);
const OUT_SIZE = new Uint32Array(1);const OUT_SIZE_PTR = new Uint8Array(OUT_SIZE.buffer);const OUT_DATA = new BigUint64Array(1);const OUT_DATA_PTR = new Uint8Array(OUT_DATA.buffer);
export class SvgRenderingContext2D extends CanvasRenderingContext2D { // @ts-expect-error declare readonly canvas: SvgCanvas;
constructor(canvas: SvgCanvas, ptr: Deno.PointerValue) { super(canvas as any, ptr); }}
export interface SvgCanvasOptions { convertTextsToPaths?: boolean; noPrettyXml?: boolean; relativePathEncoding?: boolean;}
/** * A canvas that can be used to render SVG. */export class SvgCanvas { #ptr: Deno.PointerValue;
constructor( public readonly width: number, public readonly height: number, options: SvgCanvasOptions = {}, ) { this.#ptr = sk_svg_new( width, height, 0 | (options.convertTextsToPaths ? 1 : 0) | (options.noPrettyXml ? 2 : 0) | (options.relativePathEncoding ? 4 : 0), ); if (this.#ptr === 0) { throw new Error("Failed to create SVG Canvas"); } SVG_FINALIZER.register(this, this.#ptr); }
/** Obtain 2D context for drawing on SVG */ getContext() { const ptr = sk_svg_get_context(this.#ptr); if (ptr === 0) { throw new Error("Failed to get SVG context"); } return new SvgRenderingContext2D(this, ptr); }
/** Save SVG on file system */ save(path: string) { if (!sk_svg_write_file(this.#ptr, cstr(path))) { throw new Error("Failed to save SVG"); } }
/** Encode and return buffer containing SVG data */ encode() { const skdata = sk_svg_get_buffer(this.#ptr, OUT_DATA_PTR, OUT_SIZE_PTR); if (!skdata) { throw new Error("Failed to encode SVG"); } const size = OUT_SIZE[0]; const ptr = OUT_DATA[0]; const buffer = new Uint8Array(getBuffer(ptr, size)); SK_DATA_FINALIZER.register(buffer, skdata); return buffer; }
/** Convert to SVG string */ toString() { const skdata = sk_svg_get_buffer(this.#ptr, OUT_DATA_PTR, OUT_SIZE_PTR); if (!skdata) { throw new Error("Failed to encode SVG"); } const size = OUT_SIZE[0]; const ptr = OUT_DATA[0]; const buffer = new Uint8Array(getBuffer(ptr, size)); const text = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer); sk_data_free(skdata); return text; }}