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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
// deno-lint-ignore-file camelcaseexport * from "./base-events.ts"export type { BotMessageEvent, GenericMessageEvent } from "./message-events.ts"import { StringIndexed } from "../helpers.ts"import { SayFn } from "../utilities.ts"import { BasicSlackEvent, SlackEvent } from "./base-events.ts"
/** * Arguments which listeners and middleware receive to process an event from Slack's Events API. */export interface SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<EventType extends string = string> { payload: EventFromType<EventType> event: EventFromType<EventType> message: EventType extends "message" ? EventFromType<EventType> : never body: EnvelopedEvent<EventFromType<EventType>> say: WhenEventHasChannelContext<EventFromType<EventType>, SayFn>}
/** * A Slack Events API event wrapped in the standard envelope. * * This describes the entire JSON-encoded body of a request from Slack's Events API. */interface EnvelopedEvent<Event = BasicSlackEvent> extends StringIndexed { token: string team_id: string enterprise_id?: string api_app_id: string event: Event type: "event_callback" event_id: string event_time: number // TODO: the two properties below are being deprecated on Feb 24, 2021 authed_users?: string[] authed_teams?: string[] is_ext_shared_channel?: boolean authorizations?: Authorization[]}
interface Authorization { enterprise_id: string | null team_id: string | null user_id: string is_bot: boolean is_enterprise_install?: boolean}
/** * Type function which given a string `T` returns a type for the matching Slack event(s). * * When the string matches known event(s) from the `SlackEvent` union, only those types are returned (also as a union). * Otherwise, the `BasicSlackEvent<T>` type is returned. */type EventFromType<T extends string> = KnownEventFromType<T> extends never ? BasicSlackEvent<T> : KnownEventFromType<T>type KnownEventFromType<T extends string> = Extract<SlackEvent, { type: T }>
/** * Type function which tests whether or not the given `Event` contains a channel ID context for where the event * occurred, and returns `Type` when the test passes. Otherwise this returns `never`. */type WhenEventHasChannelContext<Event, Type> = Event extends { channel: string } | { item: { channel: string } } ? Type : never