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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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⚠️ Highly experimental!

Solidity bindings for Deno, based on solc-js.

Solidity 0.7+ is supported.


See solc-js README.


import { download } from ''
import { setupMethods } from ''
import ''
import { createRequire } from ''
import { exists } from ''

if (!(await exists('./soljson.js'))) download('./soljson.js')

const require = createRequire(import.meta.url)

const solc = setupMethods(require('./soljson.js'))

const input = {
  language: 'Solidity',
  sources: {
    'test.sol': {
      content: 'contract C { function f() public { } }'
  settings: {
    outputSelection: {
      '*': {
        '*': ['*']

const result = JSON.parse(solc.compile(JSON.stringify(input)))

const { contracts } = result

// `output` here contains the JSON output as specified in the documentation
for (const contractName in contracts['test.sol']) {
  console.log(`${contractName}: ${contracts['test.sol'][contractName].evm.bytecode.object}`)

And then run with

deno run -A --unstable --no-check mod.js

See example for a more advanced example.