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const { createRoot, createSignal, createComputed } = require("../dist/solid.cjs");
var now = typeof process === 'undefined' ? browserNow : nodeNow;
var COUNT = 1e5;
function main() { var createTotal = 0; createTotal += bench(createDataSignals, COUNT, COUNT); createTotal += bench(createComputations0to1, COUNT, 0); createTotal += bench(createComputations1to1, COUNT, COUNT); createTotal += bench(createComputations2to1, COUNT / 2, COUNT); createTotal += bench(createComputations4to1, COUNT / 4, COUNT); createTotal += bench(createComputations1000to1, COUNT / 1000, COUNT); //total += bench1(createComputations8, COUNT, 8 * COUNT); createTotal += bench(createComputations1to2, COUNT, COUNT / 2); createTotal += bench(createComputations1to4, COUNT, COUNT / 4); createTotal += bench(createComputations1to8, COUNT, COUNT / 8); createTotal += bench(createComputations1to1000, COUNT, COUNT / 1000); console.log(`create total: ${createTotal.toFixed(0)}`); console.log('---'); var updateTotal = 0; updateTotal += bench(updateComputations1to1, COUNT * 4, 1); updateTotal += bench(updateComputations2to1, COUNT * 2, 2); updateTotal += bench(updateComputations4to1, COUNT, 4); updateTotal += bench(updateComputations1000to1, COUNT / 100, 1000); updateTotal += bench(updateComputations1to2, COUNT * 4, 1); updateTotal += bench(updateComputations1to4, COUNT * 4, 1); updateTotal += bench(updateComputations1to1000, COUNT * 4, 1); console.log(`update total: ${updateTotal.toFixed(0)}`); console.log(`total: ${(createTotal + updateTotal).toFixed(0)}`);}
function bench(fn, count, scount) { var time = run(fn, count, scount); console.log(`${}: ${time.toFixed(0)}`); return time;}
function run(fn, n, scount) { // prep n * arity sources var start, end;
createRoot(function () { // run 3 times to warm up var sources = createDataSignals(scount, []); fn(n / 100, sources); sources = createDataSignals(scount, []); fn(n / 100, sources); sources = createDataSignals(scount, []); % OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(fn); fn(n / 100, sources); sources = createDataSignals(scount, []); for (var i = 0; i < scount; i++) { sources[i][0](); sources[i][0](); //%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(sources[i]); sources[i][0](); }
// start GC clean % CollectGarbage(null);
start = now();
fn(n, sources);
// end GC clean sources = null; % CollectGarbage(null);
end = now(); });
return end - start;}
function createDataSignals(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { sources[i] = createSignal(i); } return sources;}
function createComputations0to1(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { createComputation0(i); }}
function createComputations1to1000(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n / 1000; i++) { const [get] = sources[i]; for (var j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { createComputation1(get); } //sources[i] = null; }}
function createComputations1to8(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n / 8; i++) { const [get] = sources[i]; createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); //sources[i] = null; }}
function createComputations1to4(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n / 4; i++) { const [get] = sources[i]; createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); //sources[i] = null; }}
function createComputations1to2(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) { const [get] = sources[i]; createComputation1(get); createComputation1(get); //sources[i] = null; }}
function createComputations1to1(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { const [get] = sources[i] createComputation1(get); //sources[i] = null; }}
function createComputations2to1(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { createComputation2( sources[i * 2][0], sources[i * 2 + 1][0] ); //sources[i * 2] = null; //sources[i * 2 + 1] = null; }}
function createComputations4to1(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { createComputation4( sources[i * 4][0], sources[i * 4 + 1][0], sources[i * 4 + 2][0], sources[i * 4 + 3][0] ); //sources[i * 4] = null; //sources[i * 4 + 1] = null; //sources[i * 4 + 2] = null; //sources[i * 4 + 3] = null; }}
function createComputations8(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { createComputation8( sources[i * 8][0], sources[i * 8 + 1][0], sources[i * 8 + 2][0], sources[i * 8 + 3][0], sources[i * 8 + 4][0], sources[i * 8 + 5][0], sources[i * 8 + 6][0], sources[i * 8 + 7][0] ); sources[i * 8] = null; sources[i * 8 + 1] = null; sources[i * 8 + 2] = null; sources[i * 8 + 3] = null; sources[i * 8 + 4] = null; sources[i * 8 + 5] = null; sources[i * 8 + 6] = null; sources[i * 8 + 7] = null; }}
// only create n / 100 computations, as otherwise takes too longfunction createComputations1000to1(n, sources) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { createComputation1000(sources, i * 1000); }}
function createComputation0(i) { createComputed(function () { return i; });}
function createComputation1(s1) { createComputed(function () { return s1(); });}
function createComputation2(s1, s2) { createComputed(function () { return s1() + s2(); });}
function createComputation4(s1, s2, s3, s4) { createComputed(function () { return s1() + s2() + s3() + s4(); });}
function createComputation8(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8) { createComputed(function () { return s1() + s2() + s3() + s4() + s5() + s6() + s7() + s8(); });}
function createComputation1000(ss, offset) { createComputed(function () { var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { sum += ss[offset + i][0](); } return sum; });}
function updateComputations1to1(n, sources) { var [get1, set1] = sources[0]; createComputed(function () { return get1(); }); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { set1(i); }}
function updateComputations2to1(n, sources) { var [get1, set1] = sources[0], [get2] = sources[1]; createComputed(function () { return get1() + get2(); }); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { set1(i); }}
function updateComputations4to1(n, sources) { var [get1, set1] = sources[0], [get2] = sources[1], [get3] = sources[2], [get4] = sources[3]; createComputed(function () { return get1() + get2() + get3() + get4(); }); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { set1(i); }}
function updateComputations1000to1(n, sources) { var [get1, set1] = sources[0]; createComputed(function () { var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { sum += sources[i][0](); } return sum; }); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { set1(i); }}
function updateComputations1to2(n, sources) { var [get1, set1] = sources[0]; createComputed(function () { return get1(); }); createComputed(function () { return get1(); }); for (var i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) { set1(i); }}
function updateComputations1to4(n, sources) { var [get1, set1] = sources[0]; createComputed(function () { return get1(); }); createComputed(function () { return get1(); }); createComputed(function () { return get1(); }); createComputed(function () { return get1(); }); for (var i = 0; i < n / 4; i++) { set1(i); }}
function updateComputations1to1000(n, sources) { var [get1, set1] = sources[0]; for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { createComputed(function () { return get1(); }); } for (var i = 0; i < n / 1000; i++) { set1(i); }}
function browserNow() { return;}
function nodeNow() { var hrt = process.hrtime(); return hrt[0] * 1000 + hrt[1] / 1e6;}