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A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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export { createRoot, createSignal, createEffect, createRenderEffect, createComputed, createReaction, createDeferred, createSelector, createMemo, createResource, onMount, onCleanup, onError, untrack, batch, on, enableScheduling, enableExternalSource, startTransition, useTransition, createContext, useContext, children, getListener, getOwner, runWithOwner, equalFn, $DEVCOMP, $PROXY, $TRACK} from "./reactive/signal.js";export type { Accessor, Setter, Signal, Resource, ResourceActions, ResourceSource, ResourceOptions, ResourceReturn, ResourceFetcher, ResourceFetcherInfo, ChildrenReturn, Context, ReturnTypes, Owner, InitializedResource, InitializedResourceOptions, InitializedResourceReturn} from "./reactive/signal.js";

export * from "./reactive/observable.js";export * from "./reactive/scheduler.js";export * from "./reactive/array.js";export * from "./render/index.js";
import type { JSX } from "./jsx.js";type JSXElement = JSX.Element;export type { JSXElement, JSX };
// devimport { writeSignal, serializeGraph, registerGraph, hashValue } from "./reactive/signal.js";let DEV: { writeSignal: typeof writeSignal; serializeGraph: typeof serializeGraph; registerGraph: typeof registerGraph; hashValue: typeof hashValue;};if ("_SOLID_DEV_") { DEV = { writeSignal, serializeGraph, registerGraph, hashValue };}export { DEV };
// handle multiple instance checkdeclare global { var Solid$$: boolean;}
if ("_SOLID_DEV_" && globalThis) { if (!globalThis.Solid$$) globalThis.Solid$$ = true; else console.warn( "You appear to have multiple instances of Solid. This can lead to unexpected behavior." );}