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A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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import nodeResolve from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";import babel from "@rollup/plugin-babel";import cleanup from "rollup-plugin-cleanup";import replace from "@rollup/plugin-replace";import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url";
const plugins = [ nodeResolve({ extensions: [".js", ".ts"] }), babel({ extensions: [".js", ".ts"], exclude: "node_modules/**", babelrc: false, babelHelpers: "bundled", presets: ["@babel/preset-typescript"], plugins: [ [ "babel-plugin-transform-rename-import", { original: "rxcore", replacement: fileURLToPath(new URL("web/src/core", import.meta.url)) } ] ] }), cleanup({ comments: ["some", /PURE/], extensions: [".js", ".ts"] })];
const replaceDev = isDev => replace({ '"_SOLID_DEV_"': isDev, preventAssignment: true, delimiters: ["", ""] });
export default [ { input: "src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "dist/solid.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "dist/solid.js", format: "es" } ], plugins: [replaceDev(false)].concat(plugins) }, { input: "src/server/index.ts", output: [ { file: "dist/server.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "dist/server.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["stream"], plugins }, { input: "src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "dist/dev.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "dist/dev.js", format: "es" } ], plugins: [replaceDev(true)].concat(plugins) }, { input: "store/src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "store/dist/store.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "store/dist/store.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js"], plugins: [replaceDev(false)].concat(plugins) }, { input: "store/src/server.ts", output: [ { file: "store/dist/server.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "store/dist/server.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js"], plugins }, { input: "store/src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "store/dist/dev.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "store/dist/dev.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js"], plugins: [replaceDev(true)].concat(plugins) }, { input: "web/src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "web/dist/web.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "web/dist/web.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js"], plugins: [replaceDev(false)].concat(plugins) }, { input: "web/server/index.ts", output: [ { file: "web/dist/server.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "web/dist/server.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js", "stream", "seroval"], plugins }, { input: "web/src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "web/dist/dev.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "web/dist/dev.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js"], plugins: [replaceDev(true)].concat(plugins) }, { input: "universal/src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "universal/dist/universal.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "universal/dist/universal.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js"], plugins: [replaceDev(false)].concat(plugins) }, { input: "universal/src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "universal/dist/dev.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "universal/dist/dev.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js"], plugins: [replaceDev(true)].concat(plugins) }, { input: "html/src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "html/dist/html.cjs", format: "cjs", exports: "auto" }, { file: "html/dist/html.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js/web"], plugins }, { input: "h/src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "h/dist/h.cjs", format: "cjs", exports: "auto" }, { file: "h/dist/h.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js/web"], plugins }, { input: "h/jsx-runtime/src/index.ts", output: [ { file: "h/jsx-runtime/dist/jsx.cjs", format: "cjs" }, { file: "h/jsx-runtime/dist/jsx.js", format: "es" } ], external: ["solid-js/h"], plugins }];