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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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Spinosaurus is a ORM that can run in deno (this project is inspired by typeORM)


  • Supports both DataMapper and ActiveRecord (your choice)
  • Entities and columns
  • Database-specific column types
  • Entity manager
  • Repositories and custom repositories
  • Clean object relational model
  • Associations (relations)
  • Eager and lazy relations
  • Uni-directional, bi-directional and self-referenced relations
  • Supports multiple inheritance patterns
  • Cascades
  • Indices
  • Transactions
  • Migrations and automatic migrations generation
  • Connection pooling
  • Replication
  • Using multiple database connections
  • Working with multiple databases types
  • Cross-database and cross-schema queries
  • Elegant-syntax, flexible and powerful QueryBuilder
  • Left and inner joins
  • Proper pagination for queries using joins
  • Query caching
  • Streaming raw results
  • Logging
  • Listeners and subscribers (hooks)
  • Supports closure table pattern
  • Schema declaration in models or separate configuration files
  • Connection configuration in json / xml / yml / yaml / env formats
  • Database supports
    • Postgresql
    • MySql / MariaDB
    • Microsoft Sql Server
    • Oracle
  • Supports MongoDB NoSQL database
  • works in platforms
    • Deno
    • NodeJS
    • Browser
    • Electron
  • Language support
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
  • Produced code is performant, flexible, clean and maintainable
  • Follows all possible best practices
  • CLI

Query Builder


Example 1, simple retriving data from db

let data = await
  .from({ entity: User })


Example 1, simple update data

await db.update("User")
  .set({ userName: "yassett77", firstName: "Yassett" })

Example 1, simple update multiple data

await db.update("User")
  .from([{ user_ID: 1, userName: "hermy991", firstName: "Hermy" }, {
    user_ID: 2,
    userName: "yassett77",
    firstName: "Yassett",


Example 1, simple insert data

await db.insert("User")
  .values([{ userName: "hermy991", firstName: "Hermy" }, {
    userName: "yassett77",
    firstName: "Yassett",

Example 2, simple update multiple data

await db.insert("User")
  .from([{ user_ID: 1, userName: "hermy991", firstName: "Hermy" }, {
    userName: "yassett77",
    firstName: "Yassett",

Example 3, more simple update multiple data

import { User } from "./user.ts";
await db.insert(User)
  .from([{ user_ID: 1, userName: "hermy991", firstName: "Hermy" }, {
    userName: "yassett77",
    firstName: "Yassett",
  .where([`"ege" >= 18`])

Scripts (Velociraptor)

Test all

deno run -qA test

Test one

deno run -qA test:one tests/unit/decorator_column_executor_test.ts

Test SQL

deno run -qA test:sql

Test Executor

deno run -qA test:exec


  • documentation
  • code coments
  • testing getMetadata, getTempMetadata, clearMetadata, clearTempMetadata
  • testing primary column executor testing
  • testing generated column executor testing
  • configuration env and files flow
  • column, unique, check alter testing
  • alter column (implement primary key and auto-increment)
  • testing for generate columns from entity in select using options
  • adding primary key column in each delete
  • using entity in select, example select().from(Entity)
  • throw a error when @UpdateColumn property is not a Number type
  • adding interpolation list ( '"primaryKey" IN(:primaryKey)', { primaryKey: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] })
  • implement in @InsertColumn, @UpdateColumn (value) and ({options}, value) params
  • does not update object without primary key in entity mode (updating a antity), create testing too
  • create a option in update entity option witch can update without a primary key
  • does not insert object with a primary generated property in entity mode
  • create a option in insert entity option witch can insert with a primary generated key
  • adding bulk (insert and update), and testing
  • adding joinAndWrap, leftAndWrap, rigthAndWrap and exec testing, remember include in joinAndSelect, joinAndSelect, joinAndSelect as a option (wrap: boolean)