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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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interface IPmcConfig
implements IBaseConfig
import { type IPmcConfig } from "";


kind: "aki-pmc"
gameVersionWeight: Record<string, number>

What game version should the PMC have

accountTypeWeight: Record<MemberCategory, number>

What account type should the PMC have

Global whitelist/blacklist of vest loot for PMCs

pocketLoot: SlotLootSettings

Global whitelist/blacklist of pocket loot for PMCs

backpackLoot: SlotLootSettings

Global whitelist/blacklist of backpack loot for PMCs

useDifficultyOverride: boolean

Use difficulty defined in config/bot.json/difficulty instead of chosen difficulty dropdown value

difficulty: string

Difficulty override e.g. "AsOnline/Hard"

looseWeaponInBackpackChancePercent: number

Chance out of 100 to have a complete gun in backpack

weaponHasEnhancementChancePercent: number

Chance out of 100 to have an enhancement applied to PMC weapon

looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax: MinMax

MinMax count of weapons to have in backpack

isUsec: number

Percentage chance PMC will be USEC

usecType: string

WildSpawnType enum value USEC PMCs use

bearType: string

WildSpawnType enum value BEAR PMCs use

chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent: number
pmcType: Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, number>>>

What 'brain' does a PMC use, keyed by map and side (USEC/BEAR) key: map location, value: type for usec/bear

maxBackpackLootTotalRub: number
maxPocketLootTotalRub: number
maxVestLootTotalRub: number
convertIntoPmcChance: Record<string, MinMax>

Percentage chance a bot from a wave is converted into a PMC, key = bot wildspawn tpye (assault/exusec), value: min+max chance to be converted

enemyTypes: string[]

WildSpawnType bots PMCs should see as hostile

botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number

How many levels above player level can a PMC be

botRelativeLevelDeltaMin: number

How many levels below player level can a PMC be

forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean

Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal

allPMCsHavePlayerNameWithRandomPrefixChance: number
addSecureContainerLootFromBotConfig: boolean

Should secure container loot from usec.json/bear.json be added to pmc bots secure