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spy object

A tool to subscribe to deep object changes.

Spy on set, get delete or call a method


import {spyObject} from ''
const data = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    c: 2,
  fn() {
    return this.b.c;

const spied = spyObject(data, {
  set(path, target, prop, value) {
    console.log(`set ${value} at /${path.join('/')}`);
    console.log('old value:', target[prop]);
    console.log('new value:', value);

  get(path, target, prop) {
      `read ${JSON.stringify(
      )} at path: /${path.join('/')}`,

  delete(path, target, prop) {
    console.log(`delete at path: /${path.join('/')}`);
    console.log('old value:', target[prop]);
  call(path, target, prop, args, returned) {
    console.log('returned:', returned);
    console.log('called width', args);

spied.a = 2;


delete spied.a;
spied.fn(1, 2);

// LOGS:
// set 2 at /a
// old value: 1
// new value: 2
// read {"c":2} at path: /b
// read 2 at path: /b/c
// delete at path: /a
// old value: 2
// read undefined at path: /fn
// returned: 2
// called width [ 1, 2 ]

Run example:

deno run