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Powerful and Easy use SQL Query Builder on Deno From @leizm/sql
import SqlString from "./sqlString.ts";import { test, assertStrictEq, assertThrows } from "./test_deps.ts";
test("SqlString escapeId - value is quoted", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escapeId("id"), "`id`");});
test("SqlString escapeId - value can be a number", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escapeId(42), "`42`");});
test("SqlString escapeId - value can be an object", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escapeId({}), "`[object Object]`");});
test("SqlString escapeId - value toString is called", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escapeId({ toString: () => "foo", }), "`foo`", );});
test("SqlString escapeId - value toString is quoted", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escapeId({ toString: () => "f`oo", }), "`f``oo`", );});
test("SqlString escapeId - value containing escapes is quoted", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escapeId("i`d"), "`i``d`");});
test("SqlString escapeId - value containing separator is quoted", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escapeId("id1.id2"), "`id1`.`id2`");});
test("SqlString escapeId - value containing separator and escapes is quoted", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escapeId("id`1.i`d2"), "`id``1`.`i``d2`");});
test("SqlString escapeId - value containing separator is fully escaped when forbidQualified", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escapeId("id1.id2", true), "`id1.id2`");});
test("SqlString escapeId - arrays are turned into lists", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escapeId(["a", "b", "t.c"]), "`a`, `b`, `t`.`c`");});
test("SqlString escapeId - nested arrays are flattened", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escapeId(["a", ["b", ["t.c"]]]), "`a`, `b`, `t`.`c`", );});
test("SqlString escape - undefined -> NULL", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape(undefined), "NULL");});
test("SqlString escape - null -> NULL", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape(null), "NULL");});
test("SqlString escape - booleans convert to strings", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape(false), "false"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape(true), "true");});
test("SqlString escape - numbers convert to strings", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape(5), "5");});
test("SqlString escape - raw not escaped", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape(SqlString.raw("NOW()")), "NOW()");});
test("SqlString escape - objects are turned into key value pairs", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape({ a: "b", c: "d" }), "`a` = 'b', `c` = 'd'");});
test("SqlString escape - objects function properties are ignored", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape({ a: "b", c: () => {} }), "`a` = 'b'");});
test("SqlString escape - object values toSqlString is called", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escape({ id: { toSqlString: () => "LAST_INSERT_ID()", }, }), "`id` = LAST_INSERT_ID()", );});
test("SqlString escape - objects toSqlString is called", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escape({ toSqlString: () => "@foo_id", }), "@foo_id", );});
test("SqlString escape - objects toSqlString is not quoted", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escape({ toSqlString: () => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()", }), "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()", );});
test("SqlString escape - nested objects are cast to strings", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escape({ a: { nested: true } }), "`a` = '[object Object]'", );});
test("SqlString escape - nested objects use toString", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escape({ a: { toString: () => "foo", }, }), "`a` = 'foo'", );});
test("SqlString escape - nested objects use toString is quoted", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escape({ a: { toString: () => "f'oo", }, }), "`a` = 'f\\'oo'", );});
test("SqlString escape - arrays are turned into lists", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape([1, 2, "c"]), "1, 2, 'c'");});
test("SqlString escape - nested arrays are turned into grouped lists", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escape([ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], ["a", "b", { nested: true }], ]), "(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), ('a', 'b', '[object Object]')", );});
test("SqlString escape - nested objects inside arrays are cast to strings", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escape([1, { nested: true }, 2]), "1, '[object Object]', 2", );});
test("SqlString escape - nested objects inside arrays use toString", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.escape([ 1, { toString: () => "foo" }, 2, ]), "1, 'foo', 2", );});
test("SqlString escape - strings are quoted", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Super"), "'Super'");});
test("SqlString escape - \\0 gets escaped", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Sup\0er"), "'Sup\\0er'"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Super\0"), "'Super\\0'");});
test("SqlString escape - \\b gets escaped", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Sup\ber"), "'Sup\\ber'"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Super\b"), "'Super\\b'");});
test("SqlString escape - \\n gets escaped", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Sup\ner"), "'Sup\\ner'"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Super\n"), "'Super\\n'");});
test("SqlString escape - \\r gets escaped", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Sup\rer"), "'Sup\\rer'"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Super\r"), "'Super\\r'");});
test("SqlString escape - \\t gets escaped", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Sup\ter"), "'Sup\\ter'"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Super\t"), "'Super\\t'");});
test("SqlString escape - \\ gets escaped", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Sup\\er"), "'Sup\\\\er'"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Super\\"), "'Super\\\\'");});
test("SqlString escape - \\u001a (ascii 26) gets replaced with \\Z", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Sup\u001aer"), "'Sup\\Zer'"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Super\u001a"), "'Super\\Z'");});
test("SqlString escape - single quotes get escaped", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Sup'er"), "'Sup\\'er'"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape("Super'"), "'Super\\''");});
test("SqlString escape - double quotes get escaped", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape('Sup"er'), "'Sup\\\"er'"); assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape('Super"'), "'Super\\\"'");});
test("SqlString escape - dates are converted to YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS.sss", () => { var expected = "2012-05-07 11:42:03.002"; var date = new Date(2012, 4, 7, 11, 42, 3, 2); var string = SqlString.escape(date);
assertStrictEq(string, "'" + expected + "'");});
test('SqlString.escape - dates are converted to specified time zone "Z"', () => { var expected = "2012-05-07 11:42:03.002"; var date = new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 4, 7, 11, 42, 3, 2)); var string = SqlString.escape(date, false, "Z");
assertStrictEq(string, "'" + expected + "'");});
test('SqlString.escape - dates are converted to specified time zone "+01"', () => { var expected = "2012-05-07 12:42:03.002"; var date = new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 4, 7, 11, 42, 3, 2)); var string = SqlString.escape(date, false, "+01");
assertStrictEq(string, "'" + expected + "'");});
test('SqlString.escape - dates are converted to specified time zone "+0200"', () => { var expected = "2012-05-07 13:42:03.002"; var date = new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 4, 7, 11, 42, 3, 2)); var string = SqlString.escape(date, false, "+0200");
assertStrictEq(string, "'" + expected + "'");});
test('SqlString.escape - dates are converted to specified time zone "-05:00"', () => { var expected = "2012-05-07 06:42:03.002"; var date = new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 4, 7, 11, 42, 3, 2)); var string = SqlString.escape(date, false, "-05:00");
assertStrictEq(string, "'" + expected + "'");});
test("SqlString escape - dates are converted to UTC for unknown time zone", () => { var date = new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 4, 7, 11, 42, 3, 2)); var expected = SqlString.escape(date, false, "Z"); var string = SqlString.escape(date, false, "foo");
assertStrictEq(string, expected);});
test("SqlString escape - invalid dates are converted to null", () => { var date = new Date(NaN); var string = SqlString.escape(date);
assertStrictEq(string, "NULL");});
// test('SqlString.escape - buffers are converted to hex', function() {// var buffer = new Buffer([0, 1, 254, 255]);// var string = SqlString.escape(buffer);
// assertStrictEq(string, "X'0001feff'");// });
// test('SqlString.escape - buffers object cannot inject SQL', function() {// var buffer = new Buffer([0, 1, 254, 255]);// buffer.toString = function() { return "00' OR '1'='1"; };// var string = SqlString.escape(buffer);
// assertStrictEq(string, "X'00\\' OR \\'1\\'=\\'1'");// });
test("SqlString escape - NaN -> NaN", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape(NaN), "NaN");});
test("SqlString escape - Infinity -> Infinity", () => { assertStrictEq(SqlString.escape(Infinity), "Infinity");});
// test('SqlString.format', {test("SqlString format - question marks are replaced with escaped array values", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("? and ?", ["a", "b"]); assertStrictEq(sql, "'a' and 'b'");});
test("SqlString format - double quest marks are replaced with escaped id", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("SELECT * FROM ?? WHERE id = ?", ["table", 42]); assertStrictEq(sql, "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE id = 42");});
test("SqlString format - triple question marks are ignored", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("? or ??? and ?", ["foo", "bar", "fizz", "buzz"]); assertStrictEq(sql, "'foo' or ??? and 'bar'");});
test("SqlString format - extra question marks are left untouched", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("? and ?", ["a"]); assertStrictEq(sql, "'a' and ?");});
test("SqlString format - extra arguments are not used", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("? and ?", ["a", "b", "c"]); assertStrictEq(sql, "'a' and 'b'");});
test("SqlString format - question marks within values do not cause issues", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("? and ?", ["hello?", "b"]); assertStrictEq(sql, "'hello?' and 'b'");});
test("SqlString format - undefined is ignored", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("?", undefined, false); assertStrictEq(sql, "?");});
test("SqlString format - objects is converted to values", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("?", { hello: "world" }, false); assertStrictEq(sql, "`hello` = 'world'");});
test("SqlString format - objects is not converted to values", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("?", { hello: "world" }, true); assertStrictEq(sql, "'[object Object]'");
var sql = SqlString.format( "?", { toString: () => "hello", }, true, ); assertStrictEq(sql, "'hello'");
var sql = SqlString.format( "?", { toSqlString: () => "@foo", }, true, ); assertStrictEq(sql, "@foo");});
test("SqlString format - sql is untouched if no values are provided", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("SELECT ??"); assertStrictEq(sql, "SELECT ??");});
test("SqlString format - sql is untouched if values are provided but there are no placeholders", () => { var sql = SqlString.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table", ["a", "b"]); assertStrictEq(sql, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table");});
test("SqlString raw - creates object", () => { assertStrictEq(typeof SqlString.raw("NOW()"), "object");});
test("SqlString raw - rejects number", () => { assertThrows(() => { SqlString.raw(42 as any); });});
test("SqlString raw - rejects undefined", () => { assertThrows(() => { (SqlString as any).raw(); });});
test("SqlString raw - object has toSqlString", () => { assertStrictEq(typeof SqlString.raw("NOW()").toSqlString, "function");});
test("SqlString raw - toSqlString returns sql as-is", () => { assertStrictEq( SqlString.raw("NOW() AS 'current_time'").toSqlString(), "NOW() AS 'current_time'", );});