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sql tag

JS tagged template literals for prepared SQL statements.

const q = sql`SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo = ${foo} AND bar = ${bar}`;
// => ['SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo = ? AND bar = ?, [foo, bar]]

// use numbered placeholders
// => ['SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo = $1 AND bar = $2, [foo, bar]]

// also supports arrays
sql`SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo IN ${[1, 2, 3]}`;
// => ['SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo IN (?, ?, ?), [1, 2, 3]]

Interpolating raw values with sql.raw

Raw values are not sanitized or escaped in any way!!!

const q = sql`SELECT ${sql.raw(1)}`;
// => SELECT 1

Escaping identifiers with sql.identifier

SQL identifiers are not parameterized. They can be escaped via sql.identifier:

const table = "schema.table";
const q = sql`SELECT * FROM ${sql.identifier(table)}`;
// => SELECT * FROM "schema"."table"

// => SELECT * FROM `schema`.`table`

Statements can be nested

Useful for building dynamic queries.

const q = sql`SELECT * FROM student WHERE score > (${sql
  `SELECT avg(score) FROM student WHERE subject = ${subject}`})`;
// => [SELECT * FROM student WHERE grade > (
//      SELECT avg(grade) FROM student WHERE subject = ?
//    ),
//   [subject]]

Append statements or strings

Useful for building complex queries depending on conditions.

const query = svg`SELECT * FROM table`;
if (foo) {
  query.append(svg`WHERE foo = ${foo}`);
// => [SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo = ?, [foo]]


Unit tests: deno test tests/unit.test.js.
Integrations tests require docker-compose up to start the database server instances for mysql and postgres.
Then run with:
deno test tests/integration.test.js --unstable --allow-read --allow-env --allow-net --allow-write --no-check

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