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The fastest and correct module for SQLite3 in Deno.
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import { createCanvas } from "";import "";import "";
function $(name) { const lines = new TextDecoder().decode( Deno.spawnSync(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["task", name], env: { NO_COLOR: "1", }, stdout: "piped", }).stdout, ) .split("\n") .map((line) => line.trim()) .filter((line) => line.includes(" rate ")); const all = => Number(e.split(" rate ")[1])); return all.reduce((p, a) => p + a, 0) / all.length;}
console.log("Running C benchmark...");const cOut = $("bench-c");console.log("C Avg:", cOut);
console.log("Running Deno benchmark...");const denoOut = $("bench-deno");console.log("Deno Avg:", denoOut);
console.log("Running Deno Wasm benchmark...");const denoWasmOut = $("bench-deno-wasm");console.log("Deno Wasm Avg:", denoWasmOut);
console.log("Running Deno FFI benchmark...");const denoFfiOut = $("bench-deno-ffi");console.log("Deno FFI Avg:", denoFfiOut);
console.log("Running Node benchmark...");const nodeOut = $("bench-node");console.log("Node Avg:", nodeOut);
console.log("Running Bun benchmark...");const bunOut = $("bench-bun");console.log("Bun Avg:", bunOut);
console.log("Running Bun FFI benchmark...");const bunFfiOut = $("bench-bun-ffi");console.log("Bun FFI Avg:", bunFfiOut);
console.log("Running Python benchmark...");const pyOut = $("bench-python");console.log("Python Avg:", pyOut);
const data = { labels: [ "C", "Deno FFI", "x/sqlite3 (FFI)", "x/sqlite (WASM)", "better-sqlite3", "bun:ffi", "bun:sqlite", "python sqlite", ], datasets: [{ label: "Performance", data: [ cOut, denoFfiOut, denoOut, denoWasmOut, nodeOut, bunFfiOut, bunOut, pyOut, ], backgroundColor: [ "#8dc149", "#4285f4", "#ea4336", "#fbbb07", "#34a753", "#ff6d01", "#5d5986", "#417996", ], borderWidth: 0, borderRadius: 6, }],};
const canvas = createCanvas(800, 600);const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
console.log("Rendering chart...");
const _chart = new Chart(ctx, { type: "bar", data, options: { plugins: { title: { display: true, text: `SQLite Benchmark`, }, subtitle: { display: true, text: `Higher is better`, }, datalabels: { anchor: "end", align: "top", formatter: Math.round, font: { weight: "normal", size: 14, }, }, }, scales: { y: { beginAtZero: true, title: { display: true, text: "ops/sec", }, }, x: { title: { display: true, text: "module", }, }, }, responsive: false, animation: false, }, plugins: [ { id: "custom_canvas_background_color", beforeDraw: (chart) => { const { ctx } = chart;; ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, chart.width, chart.height); ctx.restore(); }, }, ],});"bench/results.png");console.log("Done!");