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The fastest and correct module for SQLite3 in Deno.
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import ffi from "./ffi.ts";import { fromFileUrl } from "../deps.ts";import { SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE, SQLITE3_OPEN_MEMORY, SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY, SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE, SQLITE_BLOB, SQLITE_FLOAT, SQLITE_INTEGER, SQLITE_NULL, SQLITE_TEXT,} from "./constants.ts";import { readCstr, toCString, unwrap } from "./util.ts";import { RestBindParameters, Statement, STATEMENTS } from "./statement.ts";import { BlobOpenOptions, SQLBlob } from "./blob.ts";
/** Various options that can be configured when opening Database connection. */export interface DatabaseOpenOptions { /** Whether to open database only in read-only mode. By default, this is false. */ readonly?: boolean; /** Whether to create a new database file at specified path if one does not exist already. By default this is true. */ create?: boolean; /** Raw SQLite C API flags. Specifying this ignores all other options. */ flags?: number; /** Opens an in-memory database. */ memory?: boolean; /** Whether to support BigInt columns. False by default, integers larger than 32 bit will be inaccurate. */ int64?: boolean; /** Apply agressive optimizations that are not possible with concurrent clients. */ unsafeConcurrency?: boolean;}
/** Transaction function created using `Database#transaction`. */export type Transaction<T> = ((v: T) => void) & { /** BEGIN */ default: Transaction<T>; /** BEGIN DEFERRED */ deferred: Transaction<T>; /** BEGIN IMMEDIATE */ immediate: Transaction<T>; /** BEGIN EXCLUSIVE */ exclusive: Transaction<T>; database: Database;};
/** * Options for user-defined functions. * * @link */export interface FunctionOptions { varargs?: boolean; deterministic?: boolean; directOnly?: boolean; innocuous?: boolean; subtype?: boolean;}
export interface AggregateFunctionOptions extends FunctionOptions { start: any | (() => any); step: (aggregate: any, ...args: any[]) => void; final?: (aggregate: any) => any;}
const { sqlite3_open_v2, sqlite3_close_v2, sqlite3_changes, sqlite3_total_changes, sqlite3_last_insert_rowid, sqlite3_get_autocommit, sqlite3_exec, sqlite3_free, sqlite3_libversion, sqlite3_sourceid, sqlite3_complete, sqlite3_finalize, sqlite3_result_blob, sqlite3_result_double, sqlite3_result_error, sqlite3_result_int64, sqlite3_result_null, sqlite3_result_text, sqlite3_value_blob, sqlite3_value_bytes, sqlite3_value_double, sqlite3_value_int64, sqlite3_value_text, sqlite3_value_type, sqlite3_create_function, sqlite3_result_int, sqlite3_aggregate_context,} = ffi;
/** SQLite version string */export const SQLITE_VERSION = readCstr(sqlite3_libversion());/** SQLite source ID string */export const SQLITE_SOURCEID = readCstr(sqlite3_sourceid());
/** * Whether the given SQL statement is complete. * * @param statement SQL statement string */export function isComplete(statement: string): boolean { return Boolean(sqlite3_complete(toCString(statement)));}
/** * Represents a SQLite3 database connection. * * Example: * ```ts * // Open a database from file, creates if doesn't exist. * const db = new Database("myfile.db"); * * // Open an in-memory database. * const db = new Database(":memory:"); * * // Open a read-only database. * const db = new Database("myfile.db", { readonly: true }); * * // Or open using File URL * const db = new Database(new URL("./myfile.db", import.meta.url)); * ``` */export class Database { #path: string; #handle: Deno.PointerValue; #open = true;
/** Whether to support BigInt columns. False by default, integers larger than 32 bit will be inaccurate. */ int64: boolean;
unsafeConcurrency: boolean;
/** Whether DB connection is open */ get open(): boolean { return this.#open; }
/** Unsafe Raw (pointer) to the sqlite object */ get unsafeHandle(): Deno.PointerValue { return this.#handle; }
/** Path of the database file. */ get path(): string { return this.#path; }
/** Number of rows changed by the last executed statement. */ get changes(): number { return sqlite3_changes(this.#handle); }
/** Number of rows changed since the database connection was opened. */ get totalChanges(): number { return sqlite3_total_changes(this.#handle); }
/** Gets last inserted Row ID */ get lastInsertRowId(): number { return Number(sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(this.#handle)); }
/** Whether autocommit is enabled. Enabled by default, cab be disabled using BEGIN statement. */ get autocommit(): boolean { return sqlite3_get_autocommit(this.#handle) === 1; }
/** Whether DB is in mid of a transaction */ get inTransaction(): boolean { return this.#open && !this.autocommit; }
constructor(path: string | URL, options: DatabaseOpenOptions = {}) { this.#path = path instanceof URL ? fromFileUrl(path) : path; let flags = 0; this.int64 = options.int64 ?? false; this.unsafeConcurrency = options.unsafeConcurrency ?? false; if (options.flags !== undefined) { flags = options.flags; } else { if (options.memory) { flags |= SQLITE3_OPEN_MEMORY; }
if (options.readonly ?? false) { flags |= SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY; } else { flags |= SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE; }
if (options.create ?? true) { flags |= SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE; } }
const pHandle = new Uint32Array(2); const result = sqlite3_open_v2(toCString(this.#path), pHandle, flags, 0); this.#handle = pHandle[0] + 2 ** 32 * pHandle[1]; if (result !== 0) sqlite3_close_v2(this.#handle); unwrap(result); }
/** * Creates a new Prepared Statement from the given SQL statement. * * Example: * ```ts * const stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = ?"); * * for (const row of stmt.all(1)) { * console.log(row); * } * ``` * * Bind parameters can be either provided as an array of values, or as an object * mapping the parameter name to the value. * * Example: * ```ts * const stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = ?"); * const row = stmt.get(1); * * // or * * const stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = :id"); * const row = stmt.get({ id: 1 }); * ``` * * Statements are automatically freed once GC catches them, however * you can also manually free using `finalize` method. * * @param sql SQL statement string * @returns Statement object */ prepare(sql: string): Statement { return new Statement(this, sql); }
/** * Open a Blob for incremental I/O. * * Make sure to close the blob after you are done with it, * otherwise you will have memory leaks. */ openBlob(options: BlobOpenOptions): SQLBlob { return new SQLBlob(this, options); }
/** * Simply executes the SQL statement (supports multiple statements separated by semicolon). * Returns the number of changes made by last statement. * * Example: * ```ts * // Create table * db.exec("create table users (id integer not null, username varchar(20) not null)"); * * // Inserts * db.exec("insert into users (id, username) values(?, ?)", id, username); * * // Insert with named parameters * db.exec("insert into users (id, username) values(:id, :username)", { id, username }); * * // Pragma statements * db.exec("pragma journal_mode = WAL"); * db.exec("pragma synchronous = normal"); * db.exec("pragma temp_store = memory"); * ``` * * Under the hood, it uses `sqlite3_exec` if no parameters are given to bind * with the SQL statement, a prepared statement otherwise. */ exec(sql: string, ...params: RestBindParameters): number { if (params.length === 0) { const pErr = new Uint32Array(2); sqlite3_exec(this.#handle, toCString(sql), 0, 0, pErr); const errPtr = pErr[0] + 2 ** 32 * pErr[1]; if (errPtr !== 0) { const err = readCstr(errPtr); sqlite3_free(errPtr); throw new Error(err); } return sqlite3_changes(this.#handle); }
const stmt = this.prepare(sql);; return sqlite3_changes(this.#handle); }
/** Alias for `exec`. */ run(sql: string, ...params: RestBindParameters): number { return this.exec(sql, ...params); }
/** * Wraps a callback function in a transaction. * * - When function is called, the transaction is started. * - When function returns, the transaction is committed. * - When function throws an error, the transaction is rolled back. * * Example: * ```ts * const stmt = db.prepare("insert into users (id, username) values(?, ?)"); * * interface User { * id: number; * username: string; * } * * const insertUsers = db.transaction((data: User[]) => { * for (const user of data) { *; * } * }); * * insertUsers([ * { id: 1, username: "alice" }, * { id: 2, username: "bob" }, * ]); * * // May also use `insertUsers.deferred`, `immediate`, or `exclusive`. * // They corresspond to using `BEGIN DEFERRED`, `BEGIN IMMEDIATE`, and `BEGIN EXCLUSIVE`. * // For eg. * * insertUsers.deferred([ * { id: 1, username: "alice" }, * { id: 2, username: "bob" }, * ]); * ``` */ transaction<T = any>( fn: (this: Transaction<T>, _: T) => unknown, ): Transaction<T> { // Based on const controller = getController(this);
// Each version of the transaction function has these same properties const properties = { default: { value: wrapTransaction(fn, this, controller.default) }, deferred: { value: wrapTransaction(fn, this, controller.deferred) }, immediate: { value: wrapTransaction(fn, this, controller.immediate) }, exclusive: { value: wrapTransaction(fn, this, controller.exclusive) }, database: { value: this, enumerable: true }, };
Object.defineProperties(properties.default.value, properties); Object.defineProperties(properties.deferred.value, properties); Object.defineProperties(properties.immediate.value, properties); Object.defineProperties(properties.exclusive.value, properties);
// Return the default version of the transaction function return properties.default.value as any as Transaction<T>; }
#callbacks = new Set<Deno.UnsafeCallback>();
/** * Creates a new user-defined function. * * Example: * ```ts * db.function("add", (a: number, b: number) => a + b); * db.prepare("select add(1, 2)").value<[number]>()!; // [3] * ``` */ function( name: string, fn: CallableFunction, options?: FunctionOptions, ): void { const cb = new Deno.UnsafeCallback( { parameters: ["pointer", "i32", "pointer"], result: "void", } as const, (ctx, nArgs, pArgs) => { const argptr = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(pArgs); const args: any[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < nArgs; i++) { const arg = Number(argptr.getBigUint64(i * 8)); const type = sqlite3_value_type(arg); switch (type) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: args.push(sqlite3_value_int64(arg)); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: args.push(sqlite3_value_double(arg)); break; case SQLITE_TEXT: args.push( new TextDecoder().decode( new Uint8Array( Deno.UnsafePointerView.getArrayBuffer( sqlite3_value_text(arg), sqlite3_value_bytes(arg), ), ), ), ); break; case SQLITE_BLOB: args.push( new Uint8Array( Deno.UnsafePointerView.getArrayBuffer( sqlite3_value_blob(arg), sqlite3_value_bytes(arg), ), ), ); break; case SQLITE_NULL: args.push(null); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${type}`); } }
let result: any; try { result = fn(...args); } catch (err) { const buf = new TextEncoder().encode(err.message); sqlite3_result_error(ctx, buf, buf.byteLength); return; }
if (result === undefined || result === null) { sqlite3_result_null(ctx); } else if (typeof result === "boolean") { sqlite3_result_int(ctx, result ? 1 : 0); } else if (typeof result === "number") { if (Number.isSafeInteger(result)) sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, result); else sqlite3_result_double(ctx, result); } else if (typeof result === "bigint") { sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, result); } else if (typeof result === "string") { const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(result); sqlite3_result_text(ctx, buffer, buffer.byteLength, 0); } else if (result instanceof Uint8Array) { sqlite3_result_blob(ctx, result, result.length, -1); } else { const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode( `Invalid return value: ${Deno.inspect(result)}`, ); sqlite3_result_error(ctx, buffer, buffer.byteLength); } }, );
let flags = 1;
if (options?.deterministic) { flags |= 0x000000800; }
if (options?.directOnly) { flags |= 0x000080000; }
if (options?.subtype) { flags |= 0x000100000; }
if (options?.directOnly) { flags |= 0x000200000; }
const err = sqlite3_create_function( this.#handle, toCString(name), options?.varargs ? -1 : fn.length, flags, 0, cb.pointer, 0, 0, );
unwrap(err, this.#handle);
this.#callbacks.add(cb as Deno.UnsafeCallback); }
/** * Creates a new user-defined aggregate function. */ aggregate(name: string, options: AggregateFunctionOptions): void { const contexts = new Map<Deno.PointerValue, any>();
const cb = new Deno.UnsafeCallback( { parameters: ["pointer", "i32", "pointer"], result: "void", } as const, (ctx, nArgs, pArgs) => { const aggrCtx = sqlite3_aggregate_context(ctx, 8); let aggregate; if (contexts.has(aggrCtx)) { aggregate = contexts.get(aggrCtx); } else { aggregate = typeof options.start === "function" ? options.start() : options.start; contexts.set(aggrCtx, aggregate); } const argptr = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(pArgs); const args: any[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < nArgs; i++) { const arg = Number(argptr.getBigUint64(i * 8)); const type = sqlite3_value_type(arg); switch (type) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: args.push(sqlite3_value_int64(arg)); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: args.push(sqlite3_value_double(arg)); break; case SQLITE_TEXT: args.push( new TextDecoder().decode( new Uint8Array( Deno.UnsafePointerView.getArrayBuffer( sqlite3_value_text(arg), sqlite3_value_bytes(arg), ), ), ), ); break; case SQLITE_BLOB: args.push( new Uint8Array( Deno.UnsafePointerView.getArrayBuffer( sqlite3_value_blob(arg), sqlite3_value_bytes(arg), ), ), ); break; case SQLITE_NULL: args.push(null); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${type}`); } }
let result: any; try { result = options.step(aggregate, ...args); } catch (err) { const buf = new TextEncoder().encode(err.message); sqlite3_result_error(ctx, buf, buf.byteLength); return; }
contexts.set(aggrCtx, result); }, );
const cbFinal = new Deno.UnsafeCallback( { parameters: ["pointer"], result: "void", } as const, (ctx) => { const aggrCtx = sqlite3_aggregate_context(ctx, 0); const aggregate = contexts.get(aggrCtx); contexts.delete(aggrCtx); let result: any; try { result = ? : aggregate; } catch (err) { const buf = new TextEncoder().encode(err.message); sqlite3_result_error(ctx, buf, buf.byteLength); return; }
if (result === undefined || result === null) { sqlite3_result_null(ctx); } else if (typeof result === "boolean") { sqlite3_result_int(ctx, result ? 1 : 0); } else if (typeof result === "number") { if (Number.isSafeInteger(result)) sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, result); else sqlite3_result_double(ctx, result); } else if (typeof result === "bigint") { sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, result); } else if (typeof result === "string") { const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(result); sqlite3_result_text(ctx, buffer, buffer.byteLength, 0); } else if (result instanceof Uint8Array) { sqlite3_result_blob(ctx, result, result.length, -1); } else { const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode( `Invalid return value: ${Deno.inspect(result)}`, ); sqlite3_result_error(ctx, buffer, buffer.byteLength); } }, );
let flags = 1;
if (options?.deterministic) { flags |= 0x000000800; }
if (options?.directOnly) { flags |= 0x000080000; }
if (options?.subtype) { flags |= 0x000100000; }
if (options?.directOnly) { flags |= 0x000200000; }
const err = sqlite3_create_function( this.#handle, toCString(name), options?.varargs ? -1 : options.step.length - 1, flags, 0, 0, cb.pointer, cbFinal.pointer, );
unwrap(err, this.#handle);
this.#callbacks.add(cb as Deno.UnsafeCallback); this.#callbacks.add(cbFinal as Deno.UnsafeCallback); }
/** * Closes the database connection. * * Calling this method more than once is no-op. */ close(): void { if (!this.#open) return; for (const [stmt, db] of STATEMENTS) { if (db === this.#handle) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt); STATEMENTS.delete(stmt); } } for (const cb of this.#callbacks) { cb.close(); } unwrap(sqlite3_close_v2(this.#handle)); this.#open = false; }
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")](): string { return `SQLite3.Database { path: ${this.path} }`; }}
const controllers = new WeakMap();
// Return the database's cached transaction controller, or create a new oneconst getController = (db: Database) => { let controller = controllers.get(db); if (!controller) { const shared = { commit: db.prepare("COMMIT"), rollback: db.prepare("ROLLBACK"), savepoint: db.prepare("SAVEPOINT `\t_bs3.\t`"), release: db.prepare("RELEASE `\t_bs3.\t`"), rollbackTo: db.prepare("ROLLBACK TO `\t_bs3.\t`"), };
controllers.set( db, controller = { default: Object.assign( { begin: db.prepare("BEGIN") }, shared, ), deferred: Object.assign( { begin: db.prepare("BEGIN DEFERRED") }, shared, ), immediate: Object.assign( { begin: db.prepare("BEGIN IMMEDIATE") }, shared, ), exclusive: Object.assign( { begin: db.prepare("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE") }, shared, ), }, ); } return controller;};
// Return a new transaction function by wrapping the given functionconst wrapTransaction = ( fn: any, db: Database, { begin, commit, rollback, savepoint, release, rollbackTo }: any,) => function sqliteTransaction(): any { const { apply } = Function.prototype; let before, after, undo; if (db.inTransaction) { before = savepoint; after = release; undo = rollbackTo; } else { before = begin; after = commit; undo = rollback; }; try { // @ts-ignore An outer value of 'this' is shadowed by this container. const result =, this, arguments);; return result; } catch (ex) { if (!db.autocommit) {; if (undo !== rollback); } throw ex; } };