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The fastest and correct module for SQLite3 in Deno.
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import type { Database } from "./database.ts";import { readCstr, toCString, unwrap } from "./util.ts";import ffi from "./ffi.ts";import { SQLITE3_DONE, SQLITE3_ROW, SQLITE_BLOB, SQLITE_FLOAT, SQLITE_INTEGER, SQLITE_TEXT,} from "./constants.ts";
const { sqlite3_prepare_v2, sqlite3_reset, sqlite3_clear_bindings, sqlite3_step, sqlite3_column_count, sqlite3_column_type, sqlite3_column_text, sqlite3_finalize, sqlite3_column_int64, sqlite3_column_double, sqlite3_column_blob, sqlite3_column_bytes, sqlite3_column_name, sqlite3_expanded_sql, sqlite3_bind_parameter_count, sqlite3_bind_int, sqlite3_bind_int64, sqlite3_bind_text, sqlite3_bind_blob, sqlite3_bind_double, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index, sqlite3_sql, sqlite3_stmt_readonly, sqlite3_bind_parameter_name, sqlite3_changes, sqlite3_column_int, sqlite3_step_cb,} = ffi;
/** Types that can be possibly serialized as SQLite bind values */export type BindValue = | number | string | symbol | bigint | boolean | null | undefined | Date | Uint8Array;
export type BindParameters = BindValue[] | Record<string, BindValue>;export type RestBindParameters = BindValue[] | [BindParameters];
export const STATEMENTS = new Map<Deno.PointerValue, Deno.PointerValue>();
const emptyStringBuffer = new Uint8Array(1);
const statementFinalizer = new FinalizationRegistry( (ptr: Deno.PointerValue) => { if (STATEMENTS.has(ptr)) { sqlite3_finalize(ptr); STATEMENTS.delete(ptr); } },);
function getColumn(handle: number, i: number, int64: boolean): any { const ty = sqlite3_column_type(handle, i);
if (ty === SQLITE_INTEGER && !int64) return sqlite3_column_int(handle, i);
switch (ty) { case SQLITE_TEXT: { const ptr = sqlite3_column_text(handle, i); if (ptr === 0) return null; return readCstr(ptr, 0); }
case SQLITE_INTEGER: { const v = sqlite3_column_int64(handle, i); const numv = Number(v); if (Number.isSafeInteger(numv)) { return numv; } else { return v; } }
case SQLITE_FLOAT: { return sqlite3_column_double(handle, i); }
case SQLITE_BLOB: { const ptr = sqlite3_column_blob(handle, i); const bytes = sqlite3_column_bytes(handle, i); return new Uint8Array( Deno.UnsafePointerView.getArrayBuffer(ptr, bytes).slice(0), ); }
default: { return null; } }}
/** * Represents a prepared statement. * * See `Database#prepare` for more information. */export class Statement { #handle: Deno.PointerValue; #finalizerToken: { handle: Deno.PointerValue }; #bound = false; #hasNoArgs = false; #unsafeConcurrency;
/** * Whether the query might call into JavaScript or not. * * Must enable if the query makes use of user defined functions, * otherwise there can be V8 crashes. * * Off by default. Causes performance degradation. */ callback = false;
/** Unsafe Raw (pointer) to the sqlite object */ get unsafeHandle(): Deno.PointerValue { return this.#handle; }
/** SQL string including bindings */ get expandedSql(): string { return readCstr(sqlite3_expanded_sql(this.#handle)); }
/** The SQL string that we passed when creating statement */ get sql(): string { return readCstr(sqlite3_sql(this.#handle)); }
/** Whether this statement doesn't make any direct changes to the DB */ get readonly(): boolean { return sqlite3_stmt_readonly(this.#handle) !== 0; }
/** Simply run the query without retrieving any output there may be. */ run(...args: RestBindParameters): number { return this.#runWithArgs(...args); }
/** * Run the query and return the resulting rows where rows are array of columns. */ values<T extends unknown[] = any[]>(...args: RestBindParameters): T[] { return this.#valuesWithArgs(...args); }
/** * Run the query and return the resulting rows where rows are objects * mapping column name to their corresponding values. */ all<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, any>>( ...args: RestBindParameters ): T[] { return this.#allWithArgs(...args); }
#bindParameterCount: number;
/** Number of parameters (to be) bound */ get bindParameterCount(): number { return this.#bindParameterCount; }
constructor(public db: Database, sql: string) { const pHandle = new Uint32Array(2); unwrap( sqlite3_prepare_v2( db.unsafeHandle, toCString(sql), sql.length, pHandle, 0, ), db.unsafeHandle, ); this.#handle = pHandle[0] + 2 ** 32 * pHandle[1]; STATEMENTS.set(this.#handle, db.unsafeHandle); this.#unsafeConcurrency = db.unsafeConcurrency; this.#finalizerToken = { handle: this.#handle }; statementFinalizer.register(this, this.#handle, this.#finalizerToken);
if ( (this.#bindParameterCount = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count( this.#handle, )) === 0 ) { this.#hasNoArgs = true; this.all = this.#allNoArgs; this.values = this.#valuesNoArgs; = this.#runNoArgs; this.value = this.#valueNoArgs; this.get = this.#getNoArgs; } }
/** Shorthand for `this.callback = true`. Enables calling user defined functions. */ enableCallback(): this { this.callback = true; return this; }
/** Get bind parameter name by index */ bindParameterName(i: number): string { return readCstr(sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(this.#handle, i)); }
/** Get bind parameter index by name */ bindParameterIndex(name: string): number { if (name[0] !== ":" && name[0] !== "@" && name[0] !== "$") { name = ":" + name; } return sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(this.#handle, toCString(name)); }
#begin(): void { sqlite3_reset(this.#handle); if (!this.#bound && !this.#hasNoArgs) { sqlite3_clear_bindings(this.#handle); this.#bindRefs.clear(); } }
#bindRefs: Set<any> = new Set();
#bind(i: number, param: BindValue): void { switch (typeof param) { case "number": { if (Number.isInteger(param)) { if ( Number.isSafeInteger(param) && param >= -(2 ** 31) && param < 2 ** 31 ) { unwrap(sqlite3_bind_int(this.#handle, i + 1, param)); } else { unwrap(sqlite3_bind_int64(this.#handle, i + 1, BigInt(param))); } } else { unwrap(sqlite3_bind_double(this.#handle, i + 1, param)); } break; } case "string": { if (param === "") { // Empty string is encoded as empty buffer in Deno. And as of // right now (Deno 1.29.1), ffi layer converts it to NULL pointer, // which causes sqlite3_bind_text to bind the NULL value instead // of an empty string. As a workaround let's use a special // non-empty buffer, but specify zero length. unwrap( sqlite3_bind_text(this.#handle, i + 1, emptyStringBuffer, 0, 0), ); } else { const str = new TextEncoder().encode(param); this.#bindRefs.add(str); unwrap( sqlite3_bind_text(this.#handle, i + 1, str, str.byteLength, 0), ); } break; } case "object": { if (param === null) { // pass } else if (param instanceof Uint8Array) { this.#bindRefs.add(param); unwrap( sqlite3_bind_blob( this.#handle, i + 1, param, param.byteLength, 0, ), ); } else if (param instanceof Date) { const cstring = toCString(param.toISOString()); this.#bindRefs.add(cstring); unwrap( sqlite3_bind_text( this.#handle, i + 1, cstring, -1, 0, ), ); } else { throw new Error(`Value of unsupported type: ${Deno.inspect(param)}`); } break; }
case "bigint": { unwrap(sqlite3_bind_int64(this.#handle, i + 1, param)); break; }
case "boolean": unwrap(sqlite3_bind_int( this.#handle, i + 1, param ? 1 : 0, )); break; default: { throw new Error(`Value of unsupported type: ${Deno.inspect(param)}`); } } }
/** * Bind parameters to the statement. This method can only be called once * to set the parameters to be same throughout the statement. You cannot * change the parameters after this method is called. * * This method is merely just for optimization to avoid binding parameters * each time in prepared statement. */ bind(...params: RestBindParameters): this { this.#bindAll(params); this.#bound = true; return this; }
#bindAll(params: RestBindParameters | BindParameters): void { if (this.#bound) throw new Error("Statement already bound to values"); if ( typeof params[0] === "object" && params[0] !== null && !(params[0] instanceof Uint8Array) && !(params[0] instanceof Date) ) { params = params[0]; } if (Array.isArray(params)) { for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { this.#bind(i, (params as BindValue[])[i]); } } else { for (const [name, param] of Object.entries(params)) { const i = this.bindParameterIndex(name); if (i === 0) { throw new Error(`No such parameter "${name}"`); } this.#bind(i - 1, param as BindValue); } } }
#runNoArgs(): number { this.#begin(); const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; const status = step(this.#handle); if (status !== SQLITE3_ROW && status !== SQLITE3_DONE) { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } return sqlite3_changes(this.db.unsafeHandle); }
#runWithArgs(...params: RestBindParameters): number { this.#begin(); this.#bindAll(params); const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; const status = step(this.#handle); if (!this.#hasNoArgs && !this.#bound && params.length) { this.#bindRefs.clear(); } if (status !== SQLITE3_ROW && status !== SQLITE3_DONE) { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } return sqlite3_changes(this.db.unsafeHandle); }
#valuesNoArgs<T extends Array<unknown>>(): T[] { this.#begin(); const columnCount = sqlite3_column_count(this.#handle); const result: T[] = []; const getRowArray = new Function( "getColumn", ` return function() { return [${ Array.from({ length: columnCount }).map((_, i) => `getColumn(${this.#handle}, ${i}, ${this.db.int64})` ) .join(", ") }]; }; `, )(getColumn); const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; let status = step(this.#handle); while (status === SQLITE3_ROW) { result.push(getRowArray()); status = step(this.#handle); } if (status !== SQLITE3_DONE) { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } return result as T[]; }
#valuesWithArgs<T extends Array<unknown>>( ...params: RestBindParameters ): T[] { this.#begin(); this.#bindAll(params); const columnCount = sqlite3_column_count(this.#handle); const result: T[] = []; const getRowArray = new Function( "getColumn", ` return function() { return [${ Array.from({ length: columnCount }).map((_, i) => `getColumn(${this.#handle}, ${i}, ${this.db.int64})` ) .join(", ") }]; }; `, )(getColumn); const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; let status = step(this.#handle); while (status === SQLITE3_ROW) { result.push(getRowArray()); status = step(this.#handle); } if (!this.#hasNoArgs && !this.#bound && params.length) { this.#bindRefs.clear(); } if (status !== SQLITE3_DONE) { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } return result as T[]; }
#rowObjectFn: (() => any) | undefined;
getRowObject(): () => any { if (!this.#rowObjectFn || !this.#unsafeConcurrency) { const columnNames = this.columnNames(); const getRowObject = new Function( "getColumn", ` return function() { return { ${, i) => `"${name}": getColumn(${this.#handle}, ${i}, ${this.db.int64})` ).join(",\n") } }; }; `, )(getColumn); this.#rowObjectFn = getRowObject; } return this.#rowObjectFn!; }
#allNoArgs<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(): T[] { this.#begin(); const getRowObject = this.getRowObject();
const result: T[] = []; const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; let status = step(this.#handle); while (status === SQLITE3_ROW) { result.push(getRowObject()); status = step(this.#handle); } if (status !== SQLITE3_DONE) { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } return result as T[]; }
#allWithArgs<T extends Record<string, unknown>>( ...params: RestBindParameters ): T[] { this.#begin(); this.#bindAll(params); const getRowObject = this.getRowObject(); const result: T[] = []; const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; let status = step(this.#handle); while (status === SQLITE3_ROW) { result.push(getRowObject()); status = step(this.#handle); } if (!this.#hasNoArgs && !this.#bound && params.length) { this.#bindRefs.clear(); } if (status !== SQLITE3_DONE) { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } return result as T[]; }
/** Fetch only first row as an array, if any. */ value<T extends Array<unknown>>( ...params: RestBindParameters ): T | undefined { const handle = this.#handle; const int64 = this.db.int64; const arr = new Array(sqlite3_column_count(handle)); sqlite3_reset(handle); if (!this.#hasNoArgs && !this.#bound) { sqlite3_clear_bindings(handle); this.#bindRefs.clear(); if (params.length) { this.#bindAll(params); } }
const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; const status = step(handle);
if (!this.#hasNoArgs && !this.#bound && params.length) { this.#bindRefs.clear(); }
if (status === SQLITE3_ROW) { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = getColumn(handle as number, i, int64); } return arr as T; } else if (status === SQLITE3_DONE) { return; } else { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } }
#valueNoArgs<T extends Array<unknown>>(): T | undefined { const handle = this.#handle; const int64 = this.db.int64; const cc = sqlite3_column_count(handle); const arr = new Array(cc); sqlite3_reset(handle); const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; const status = step(handle); if (status === SQLITE3_ROW) { for (let i = 0; i < cc; i++) { arr[i] = getColumn(handle as number, i, int64); } return arr as T; } else if (status === SQLITE3_DONE) { return; } else { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } }
#columnNames: string[] | undefined; #rowObject: Record<string, unknown> = {};
columnNames(): string[] { if (!this.#columnNames || !this.#unsafeConcurrency) { const columnCount = sqlite3_column_count(this.#handle); const columnNames = new Array(columnCount); for (let i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { columnNames[i] = readCstr(sqlite3_column_name(this.#handle, i)); } this.#columnNames = columnNames; this.#rowObject = {}; for (const name of columnNames) { this.#rowObject![name] = undefined; } } return this.#columnNames!; }
/** Fetch only first row as an object, if any. */ get<T extends Record<string, unknown>>( ...params: RestBindParameters ): T | undefined { const handle = this.#handle; const int64 = this.db.int64;
const columnNames = this.columnNames();
const row: Record<string, unknown> = {}; sqlite3_reset(handle); if (!this.#hasNoArgs && !this.#bound) { sqlite3_clear_bindings(handle); this.#bindRefs.clear(); if (params.length) { this.#bindAll(params); } }
const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; const status = step(handle);
if (!this.#hasNoArgs && !this.#bound && params.length) { this.#bindRefs.clear(); }
if (status === SQLITE3_ROW) { for (let i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { row[columnNames[i]] = getColumn(handle as number, i, int64); } return row as T; } else if (status === SQLITE3_DONE) { return; } else { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } }
#getNoArgs<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(): T | undefined { const handle = this.#handle; const int64 = this.db.int64;
const columnNames = this.columnNames(); const row: Record<string, unknown> = this.#rowObject; sqlite3_reset(handle); const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; const status = step(handle); if (status === SQLITE3_ROW) { for (let i = 0; i < columnNames?.length; i++) { row[columnNames[i]] = getColumn(handle as number, i, int64); } return row as T; } else if (status === SQLITE3_DONE) { return; } else { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } }
/** Free up the statement object. */ finalize(): void { if (!STATEMENTS.has(this.#handle)) return; this.#bindRefs.clear(); statementFinalizer.unregister(this.#finalizerToken); STATEMENTS.delete(this.#handle); unwrap(sqlite3_finalize(this.#handle)); }
/** Coerces the statement to a string, which in this case is expanded SQL. */ toString(): string { return readCstr(sqlite3_expanded_sql(this.#handle)); }
/** Iterate over resultant rows from query. */ *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<any> { this.#begin(); const getRowObject = this.getRowObject(); const step = this.callback ? sqlite3_step_cb : sqlite3_step; let status = step(this.#handle); while (status === SQLITE3_ROW) { yield getRowObject(); status = step(this.#handle); } if (status !== SQLITE3_DONE) { unwrap(status, this.db.unsafeHandle); } }}