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Deno SQLite module
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// Quick and dirty documentation generator
function collect(src) { // Collect raw comments const regexp = /(\/\*\*(?:.|\n)+?\*\/)\n *((async )?(static |get ){0,2}(function )?[a-zA-Z]+\([^)]*\))?/; const raw = []; while (regexp.test(src)) { const [, body, declaration] = regexp.exec(src); raw.push({ body, declaration }); src = src.replace(regexp, ""); } // Parse out decorations return => { item.body = item.body .replace(/\/\*\* *\n/, "") .replace(/\n *\*\//, "") .split("\n") .map((line) => line.replace(/^ *\*( |$)/, "")) .join("\n"); if (item.declaration) { item.declaration = item.declaration.replace( /\??: [a-zA-Z<>\[\]]+( *\| *[a-zA-Z<>\[\]]+)*/g, "", ); } return item; });}
function parse(comments) { // Build document tree const root = {}; for (const comment of comments) { const path = comment.body.split("\n")[0].split("."); const body = comment.body.split("\n").slice(2).join("\n"); for (let i = 0, obj = root; i < path.length; i++) { if (i + 1 === path.length) { obj[path[i]] = { body, declaration: comment.declaration }; break; } if (!obj[path[i]]) { obj[path[i]] = {}; } obj = obj[path[i]]; } } return root;}
function heading(text, level) { text = " " + text; for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) { text = "#" + text; } for (let i = 5; i > level; i--) { text = "\n" + text; } return text;}
function keys(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).filter((key) => obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && ["body", "declaration"].indexOf(key) === -1 );}
function generate(root, md, path = []) { // Generate markdown output const topcis = keys(root); if (path.length > 1) { topcis.sort(); } for (const topic of topcis) { path.push(topic); md += heading(path.join("."), path.length + 1); if (root[topic].declaration) { let declaration = root[topic].declaration; if (declaration.indexOf("constructor") !== -1) { declaration = declaration.replace("constructor", `new ${path[0]}`); } md += `\n\`\`\`javascript\n${declaration}\n\`\`\``; } else { md += "\n"; } md += `\n${root[topic].body}`; md = generate(root[topic], md, path); path.pop(); } return md;}
if (Deno.args.length < 4) { console.log("use as:"); console.log( "deno run --allow-read --allow-write docs/generate.js docs/ mod.ts src/**", ); Deno.exit(1);}
// Output fileconst out = Deno.args[0];
// Collect comments from input source filesconst comments = [];const stats = {};for (const file of Deno.args.slice(1)) { const c = collect(new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readFile(file))); stats[file] = c.length; comments.push(...c);}const root = parse(comments);
// Collect exports from modconst modExports = [];for ( const line of new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readFile(Deno.args[1])) .split("\n")) { const [match, names] = /export {([^}]+)}/.exec(line) ?? [null, undefined]; if (!match) { continue; } modExports.push(names.trim());}
// Preambleconst title = `# SQLite for Deno API Documentation
This file documents all of the public interfaces for [deno-sqlite]( documentation is generated automatically using the \`docs/generate.js\` script. If you want toclarify any of the notes in this file, edit the corresponding comment in the source file andrerun the generator, to avoid loosing the changes.

## How to import\`\`\`javascriptimport { ${modExports.join(", ")} } from ""\`\`\`The above statement lists all the available imports.`.replace(/(^\n)|(\n$)/g, "");
const markdown = generate(root, title) + "\n";await Deno.writeFile(out, new TextEncoder().encode(markdown));
// Messageconsole.log("Generated documentation for:");for (const [file, num] of Object.entries(stats)) { if (num > 0) { console.log(`${file} (${num})`); }}console.log("Parsed exports from: ".concat(Deno.args[1]));