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Deno SQLite module
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import { assertEquals, assertMatch, assertThrows,} from "";import { DB, Status } from "./mod.ts";import { SqliteError } from "./src/error.ts";
// file used for fs io testsconst testDbFile = "test.db";
const permRead = (await Deno.permissions.query({ name: "read", path: "./" })).state === "granted";const permWrite = (await Deno.permissions.query({ name: "write", path: "./" })).state === "granted";
async function removeTestDb(name: string) { try { await Deno.remove(name); } catch { /* no op */ } try { await Deno.remove(`${testDbFile}-journal`); } catch { /* no op */ }}
async function dbExists(path: string) { try { await Deno.stat(path); return true; } catch { return false; }}
Deno.test("README example", function () { // Open a database (no file permission version of open) const db = new DB(); db.query( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS people (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT)", );
const name = ["Peter Parker", "Clark Kent", "Bruce Wane"][Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)];
// Run a simple query db.query("INSERT INTO people (name) VALUES (?)", [name]);
// Print out data in table for (const [_name] of db.query("SELECT name FROM people")) continue; // no console.log ;)
Deno.test("old README example", function () { const db = new DB(); const first = ["Bruce", "Clark", "Peter"]; const last = ["Wane", "Kent", "Parker"]; db.query( "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT, email TEXT, subscribed INTEGER)", );
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const name = `${first[Math.floor(Math.random() * first.length)]} ${ last[ Math.floor( Math.random() * last.length, ) ] }`; const email = `${name.replace(" ", "-")}`; const subscribed = Math.random() > 0.5 ? true : false; db.query("INSERT INTO users (name, email, subscribed) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [ name, email, subscribed, ]); }
for ( const [ name, email, ] of db.query<[string, string]>( "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE subscribed = ? LIMIT 100", [true], ) ) { assertMatch(name, /(Bruce|Clark|Peter) (Wane|Kent|Parker)/); assertEquals(email, `${name.replace(" ", "-")}`); }
const res = db.query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE name LIKE ?", [ "Robert Parr", ]); assertEquals(res, []);
// Omit write tests, as we don't want to require ---allow-write // and have a write test, which checks for the flag and skips itself.
const subscribers = db.query( "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE subscribed = ?", [true], ); for (const [_name, _email] of subscribers) { if (Math.random() > 0.5) continue; break; }
Deno.test("bind values", function () { const db = new DB(); let vals, rows;
// string db.query( "CREATE TABLE strings (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val TEXT)", ); vals = ["Hello World!", "I love Deno.", "Täst strüng..."]; for (const val of vals) { db.query("INSERT INTO strings (val) VALUES (?)", [val]); } rows = [...db.query("SELECT val FROM strings")].map(([v]) => v); assertEquals(rows.length, vals.length); assertEquals(rows, vals);
// integer db.query( "CREATE TABLE ints (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val INTEGER)", ); vals = [42, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3453246, 4536787093, 45536787093]; for (const val of vals) db.query("INSERT INTO ints (val) VALUES (?)", [val]); rows = [...db.query("SELECT val FROM ints")].map(([v]) => v); assertEquals(rows.length, vals.length); assertEquals(rows, vals);
// float db.query( "CREATE TABLE floats (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val REAL)", ); vals = [42.1, 1.235, 2.999, 1 / 3, 4.2345, 345.3246, 4536787.953e-8]; for (const val of vals) { db.query("INSERT INTO floats (val) VALUES (?)", [val]); } rows = [...db.query("SELECT val FROM floats")].map(([v]) => v); assertEquals(rows.length, vals.length); assertEquals(rows, vals);
// boolean db.query( "CREATE TABLE bools (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val INTEGER)", ); vals = [true, false]; for (const val of vals) { db.query( "INSERT INTO bools (val) VALUES (?)", [val], ); } rows = [...db.query("SELECT val FROM bools")].map(([v]) => v); assertEquals(rows.length, vals.length); assertEquals(rows, [1, 0]);
// date db.query("CREATE TABLE dates (date TEXT NOT NULL)"); vals = [new Date(), new Date("2018-11-20"), new Date(123456789)]; for (const val of vals) { db.query("INSERT INTO dates (date) VALUES (?)", [val]); } rows = db.query<[string]>("SELECT date FROM dates").map(([d]) => new Date(d)); assertEquals(rows, vals);
// blob db.query( "CREATE TABLE blobs (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val BLOB)", ); vals = [ new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]), new Uint8Array([3, 57, 45]), ]; for (const val of vals) { db.query( "INSERT INTO blobs (val) VALUES (?)", [val], ); } rows = [...db.query("SELECT val FROM blobs")].map(([v]) => v); assertEquals(rows.length, vals.length); assertEquals(rows, vals);
// big int db.query( "CREATE TABLE bigints (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val INTEGER)", ); const intVals: (bigint | number)[] = [9007199254741991n, 100n]; for (const val of intVals) { db.query( "INSERT INTO bigints (val) VALUES (?)", [val], ); } rows = [...db.query("SELECT val FROM bigints")].map(([v]) => v); intVals[1] = 100; assertEquals(rows, intVals);
// null & undefined db.query( "CREATE TABLE nulls (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val INTEGER)", ); vals = [null, undefined]; for (const val of vals) { db.query( "INSERT INTO nulls (val) VALUES (?)", [val], ); } rows = [...db.query("SELECT val FROM nulls")].map(([v]) => v); assertEquals(rows.length, vals.length); assertEquals(rows, [null, null]);
// mixed db.query( "CREATE TABLE mix (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val1 INTEGER, val2 TEXT, val3 REAL, val4 TEXT)", ); vals = [42, "Hello World!", 0.33333, null]; db.query( "INSERT INTO mix (val1, val2, val3, val4) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", vals, ); rows = [...db.query("SELECT val1, val2, val3, val4 FROM mix")]; assertEquals(rows.length, 1); assertEquals(rows[0], vals);
// too many assertThrows(() => { db.query("SELECT * FROM strings", [null]); }); assertThrows(() => { db.query("SELECT * FROM strings LIMIT ?", [5, "extra"]); });
// too few assertThrows(() => { db.query("SELECT * FROM strings LIMIT ?"); }); assertThrows(() => { db.query( "SELECT * FROM mix WHERE val1 = ? AND val2 = ? AND val3 = ? LIMIT ?", [ 1, "second", ], ); });
// omitted is null db.query( "CREATE TABLE omit_is_null (idx INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val TEXT)", ); db.query("INSERT INTO omit_is_null (val) VALUES (?)"); rows = [...db.query("SELECT val FROM omit_is_null")].map(([val]) => val); assertEquals(rows, [null]);
Deno.test("bind named parameters", function () { const db = new DB();
// default named syntax db.query("INSERT INTO test (val) VALUES (:val)", { val: "value" }); db.query( "INSERT INTO test (val) VALUES (:otherVal)", { otherVal: "value other" }, );
// @ named syntax db.query( "INSERT INTO test (val) VALUES (@someName)", { ["@someName"]: "@value" }, );
// $ names syntax db.query( "INSERT INTO test (val) VALUES ($var::Name)", { ["$var::Name"]: "$value" }, );
// explicit positional syntax db.query("INSERT INTO test (id, val) VALUES (?2, ?1)", ["this-is-it", 1000]);
// names must exist assertThrows(() => { db.query( "INSERT INTO test (val) VALUES (:val)", { Val: "miss-spelled :(" }, ); });
// Make sure the data came through correctly const vals = [...db.query("SELECT val FROM test ORDER BY id ASC")].map( (row) => row[0], ); assertEquals( vals, ["value", "value other", "@value", "$value", "this-is-it"], );
Deno.test("query from prepared query", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)"); db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
const res = []; const query = db.prepareQuery<[number]>("SELECT id FROM test"); for (const [id] of query.iter()) { res.push(id); } assertEquals(res, [1, 2, 3]);
query.finalize(); db.close();});
Deno.test("query all from prepared query", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)"); const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id FROM test");
assertEquals(query.all(), []); db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (1), (2), (3)"); assertEquals(query.all(), [[1], [2], [3]]);
query.finalize(); db.close();});
Deno.test("query one from prepared query", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)"); db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
const queryOne = db.prepareQuery<[number]>( "SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = ?", ); assertEquals([2]), [2]); queryOne.finalize();
const queryAll = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id FROM test"); assertThrows(() =>; queryAll.finalize();
Deno.test("execute from prepared query", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)");
const insert = db.prepareQuery("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (:id)"); for (const id of [1, 2, 3]) { insert.execute({ id }); } insert.finalize(); assertEquals(db.query("SELECT id FROM test"), [[1], [2], [3]]);
Deno.test("blobs are copies", function () { const db = new DB();
db.query( "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val BLOB)", ); const data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); db.query("INSERT INTO test (val) VALUES (?)", [data]);
const [[a]] = db.query<[Uint8Array]>("SELECT val FROM test"); const [[b]] = db.query<[Uint8Array]>("SELECT val FROM test");
assertEquals(data, a); assertEquals(data, b); assertEquals(a, b);
a[0] = 100; assertEquals(a[0], 100); assertEquals(b[0], 1); assertEquals(data[0], 1);
data[0] = 5; const [[c]] = db.query<[Uint8Array]>("SELECT val FROM test"); assertEquals(c[0], 1);
Deno.test({ name: "save to file", ignore: !permRead || !permWrite, fn: async function () { const data = [ "Hello World!", "Hello Deno!", "JavaScript <3", "This costs 0€!", "Wéll, hällö thėrè¿", ];
// Ensure test file does not exist await removeTestDb(testDbFile);
// Write data to db const db = new DB(testDbFile); db.query( "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val TEXT)", ); for (const val of data) { db.query("INSERT INTO test (val) VALUES (?)", [val]); }
// Read db and check the data is restored const db2 = await new DB(testDbFile); for (const [id, val] of db2.query<[number, string]>("SELECT * FROM test")) { assertEquals(data[id - 1], val); }
// Clean up await Deno.remove(testDbFile); db.close(); db2.close(); },});
Deno.test({ name: "temporary database", ignore: !permRead || !permWrite, fn: function () { const data = [ "Hello World!", "Hello Deno!", "JavaScript <3", "This costs 0€!", "Wéll, hällö thėrè¿", ];
const db = new DB("");
db.query( "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val TEXT)", ); for (const val of data) { db.query("INSERT INTO test (val) VALUES (?)", [val]); }
// Read db and check the data is restored for (const [id, val] of db.query<[number, string]>("SELECT * FROM test")) { assertEquals(data[id - 1], val); }
db.close(); },});
Deno.test("invalid SQL", function () { const db = new DB(); const queries = [ "INSERT INTO does_not_exist (balance) VALUES (5)", "this is not sql", ";;;", ]; for (const query of queries) assertThrows(() => db.query(query));
Deno.test("foreign key constraints enabled", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)"); db.query( "CREATE TABLE orders (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, user INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(user) REFERENCES users(id))", );
db.query("INSERT INTO users (id) VALUES (1)"); const [[id]] = db.query<[number]>("SELECT id FROM users");
// User must exist assertThrows(() => { db.query("INSERT INTO orders (user) VALUES (?)", [id + 1]); }); db.query("INSERT INTO orders (user) VALUES (?)", [id]); // Can't delete if that violates the constraint assertThrows(() => { db.query("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?", [id]); }); // Now deleting is OK db.query("DELETE FROM orders WHERE user = ?", [id]); db.query("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?", [id]);
Deno.test("close database", function () { const db = new DB(); db.close(); assertThrows(() => db.query("CREATE TABLE test (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY)")); db.close(); // check close is idempotent and won't throw});
Deno.test("open queries block close", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY)");
const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT name FROM test"); assertThrows(() => db.close()); query.finalize();
Deno.test("open queries cleaned up by forced close", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY)"); db.query("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)", ["Deno"]);
db.prepareQuery("SELECT name FROM test WHERE name like '%test%'");
assertThrows(() => db.close()); db.close(true);});
Deno.test("constraint error code is correct", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY)"); db.query("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)", ["A"]);
const e = assertThrows(() => db.query("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)", ["A"]) ) as SqliteError; assertEquals(e.code, Status.SqliteConstraint, "Got wrong error code"); assertEquals( Status[e.codeName], Status.SqliteConstraint, "Got wrong error code name", );});
Deno.test("syntax error code is correct", function () { const db = new DB();
const e = assertThrows(() => db.query("CREATE TABLEX test (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY)") ) as SqliteError; assertEquals(e.code, Status.SqliteError, "Got wrong error code"); assertEquals( Status[e.codeName], Status.SqliteError, "Got wrong error code name", );});
Deno.test("invalid binding throws", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER)"); assertThrows(() => { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const badBinding: any = [{}]; db.query("SELECT * FORM test WHERE id = ?", badBinding); }); db.close();});
Deno.test("invalid bind does not leak statements", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER)");
for (let n = 0; n < 100; n++) { assertThrows(() => { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const badBinding: any = [{}]; db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)", badBinding); }); assertThrows(() => { const badBinding = { missingKey: null }; db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)", badBinding); }); }
db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (1)");
Deno.test("get columns from select query", function () { const db = new DB();
const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id, name from test");
assertEquals(query.columns(), [ { name: "id", originName: "id", tableName: "test" }, { name: "name", originName: "name", tableName: "test" }, ]);});
Deno.test("get columns from returning query", function () { const db = new DB();
db.query( "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT)", ); const query = db.prepareQuery( "INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?) RETURNING *", );
assertEquals(query.columns(), [ { name: "id", originName: "id", tableName: "test" }, { name: "name", originName: "name", tableName: "test" }, ]);
assertEquals(query.all(["name"]), [[1, "name"]]);});
Deno.test("get columns with renamed column", function () { const db = new DB();
db.query( "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT)", ); db.query("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)", ["name"]);
const query = db.prepareQuery( "SELECT id AS test_id, name AS test_name from test", ); const columns = query.columns();
assertEquals(columns, [ { name: "test_id", originName: "id", tableName: "test" }, { name: "test_name", originName: "name", tableName: "test" }, ]);});
Deno.test("get columns from finalized query throws", function () { const db = new DB();
const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id from test"); query.finalize();
// after iteration is done assertThrows(() => { query.columns(); });});
Deno.test("date time is correct", function () { const db = new DB(); // the date/ time is passed from JS and should be current (note that it is GMT) const [[now]] = [...db.query("SELECT current_timestamp")]; assertEquals(new Date(now + "Z"), new Date()); db.close();});
Deno.test("last inserted id", function () { const db = new DB();
// By default, lastInsertRowId must be 0 assertEquals(db.lastInsertRowId, 0);
// Create table and insert value db.query("CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)");
const insertRowIds = [];
// Insert data to table and collect their ids for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { db.query("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('John Doe')"); insertRowIds.push(db.lastInsertRowId); }
// Now, the last inserted row id must be 10 assertEquals(db.lastInsertRowId, 10);
// All collected row ids must be the same as in the database assertEquals( insertRowIds, [...db.query("SELECT id FROM users")].map(([i]) => i), );
// When the database is closed, the value // will be reset to 0 again assertEquals(db.lastInsertRowId, 0);});
Deno.test("changes is correct", function () { const db = new DB();
for (const name of ["a", "b", "c"]) { db.query("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)", [name]); assertEquals(1, db.changes); }
db.query("UPDATE test SET name = ?", ["new name"]); assertEquals(3, db.changes);
assertEquals(6, db.totalChanges);});
Deno.test("json functions exist", function () { const db = new DB();
// The JSON1 functions should exist and we should be able to call them without unexpected errors db.query(`SELECT json('{"this is": ["json"]}')`);
// We should expect an error if we pass invalid JSON where valid JSON is expected assertThrows(() => { db.query(`SELECT json('this is not json')`); });
// We should be able to use bound values as arguments to the JSON1 functions, // and they should produce the expected results for these simple expressions. const [[objectType]] = db.query(`SELECT json_type('{}')`); assertEquals(objectType, "object");
const [[integerType]] = db.query(`SELECT json_type(?)`, ["2"]); assertEquals(integerType, "integer");
const [[realType]] = db.query(`SELECT json_type(?)`, ["2.5"]); assertEquals(realType, "real");
const [[stringType]] = db.query(`SELECT json_type(?)`, [`"hello"`]); assertEquals(stringType, "text");
const [[integerTypeAtPath]] = db.query( `SELECT json_type(?, ?)`, [`["hello", 2, {"world": 4}]`, `$[2].world`], ); assertEquals(integerTypeAtPath, "integer");});
Deno.test("very large numbers", function () { const db = new DB();
db.query("CREATE TABLE numbers (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, number REAL)");
db.query("INSERT INTO numbers (number) VALUES (?)", [+Infinity]); db.query("INSERT INTO numbers (number) VALUES (?)", [-Infinity]); db.query("INSERT INTO numbers (number) VALUES (?)", [+20e20]); db.query("INSERT INTO numbers (number) VALUES (?)", [-20e20]);
const [ [positiveInfinity], [negativeInfinity], [positiveTwentyTwenty], [negativeTwentyTwenty], ] = db.query("SELECT number FROM numbers");
assertEquals(negativeInfinity, -Infinity); assertEquals(positiveInfinity, +Infinity); assertEquals(positiveTwentyTwenty, +20e20); assertEquals(negativeTwentyTwenty, -20e20);});
Deno.test({ name: "database larger than 2GB", ignore: !permRead || !permWrite || !(await dbExists("./build/2GB_test.db")), fn: function () { const db = new DB("./build/2GB_test.db"); // can be generated with `cd build && make testdb`
db.query("INSERT INTO test (value) VALUES (?)", ["This is a test..."]);
const rows = [ ...db.query("SELECT value FROM test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10"), ]; assertEquals(rows.length, 10); assertEquals(rows[0][0], "This is a test...");
db.close(); },});
Deno.test("empty query returns empty array", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)"); assertEquals([], db.query("SELECT * FROM test")); db.close();});
Deno.test("prepared query can be reused", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)");
const query = db.prepareQuery("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)"); query.execute([1]); query.execute([2]); query.execute([3]);
assertEquals([[1], [2], [3]], db.query("SELECT id FROM test"));
query.finalize(); db.close();});
Deno.test("prepared query clears bindings before reused", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value INTEGER)");
const query = db.prepareQuery("INSERT INTO test (value) VALUES (?)"); query.execute([1]); query.execute();
assertEquals([[1], [null]], db.query("SELECT value FROM test"));
query.finalize(); db.close();});
Deno.test("big integers bind correctly", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query( "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, val INTEGER)", );
const goodValues = [ 0n, 42n, -42n, 9223372036854775807n, -9223372036854775808n, ]; const overflowValues = [ 9223372036854775807n + 1n, -9223372036854775808n - 1n, 2352359223372036854775807n, -32453249223372036854775807n, ];
const query = db.prepareQuery("INSERT INTO test (val) VALUES (?)"); for (const val of goodValues) { query.execute([val]); }
const dbValues = db.query<[number | bigint]>( "SELECT val FROM test ORDER BY id", ).map(( [id], ) => BigInt(id)); assertEquals(goodValues, dbValues);
for (const bigVal of overflowValues) { assertThrows(() => { query.execute([bigVal]); }); }
query.finalize(); db.close();});
Deno.test("using finalized prepared query throws", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (name TEXT)"); const query = db.prepareQuery("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)"); query.finalize();
assertThrows(() => query.execute(["test"])); db.close();});
Deno.test("columns can be obtained from empty prepared query", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query( "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEST, age INTEGER)", ); db.query("INSERT INTO test (name, age) VALUES (?, ?)", ["Peter Parker", 21]);
const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT * FROM test"); const columnsFromPreparedQuery = query.columns(); query.finalize();
const queryEmpty = db.prepareQuery("SELECT * FROM test WHERE 1 = 0"); const columnsFromPreparedQueryWithEmptyQuery = queryEmpty.columns(); assertEquals(queryEmpty.all(), []); query.finalize();
assertEquals( [{ name: "id", originName: "id", tableName: "test" }, { name: "name", originName: "name", tableName: "test", }, { name: "age", originName: "age", tableName: "test" }], columnsFromPreparedQuery, ); assertEquals( columnsFromPreparedQueryWithEmptyQuery, columnsFromPreparedQuery, );});
Deno.test("SQL localtime reflects system locale", function () { const db = new DB(); const [[timeDb]] = db.query("SELECT datetime('now', 'localtime')"); const now = new Date();
const jsMonth = `${now.getMonth() + 1}`.padStart(2, "0"); const jsDate = `${now.getDate()}`.padStart(2, "0"); const jsHour = `${now.getHours()}`.padStart(2, "0"); const jsMinute = `${now.getMinutes()}`.padStart(2, "0"); const jsSecond = `${now.getSeconds()}`.padStart(2, "0"); const timeJs = `${now.getFullYear()}-${jsMonth}-${jsDate} ${jsHour}:${jsMinute}:${jsSecond}`;
assertEquals(timeDb, timeJs);});
Deno.test("object query functions work correctly", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query( "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, height REAL)", );
const rowsOrig = [ { id: 1, name: "Peter Parker", height: 1.5 }, { id: 2, name: "Clark Kent", height: 1.9 }, { id: 3, name: "Robert Paar", height: 2.1 }, ];
const insertQuery = db.prepareQuery( "INSERT INTO test (id, name, height) VALUES (:id, :name, :height)", ); for (const row of rowsOrig) { insertQuery.execute(row); } insertQuery.finalize();
const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT * FROM test LIMIT ?"); assertEquals(rowsOrig, query.allEntries([rowsOrig.length])); assertEquals(rowsOrig[0], query.oneEntry([1])); const rowsIter = []; for (const row of query.iterEntries([rowsOrig.length])) { rowsIter.push(row); } assertEquals(rowsOrig, rowsIter); assertEquals(rowsOrig, db.queryEntries("SELECT * FROM test"));
query.finalize(); db.close();});
Deno.test("transaction rolls back on throw", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)");
assertThrows(() => { db.transaction(() => { db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (1)"); throw new Error("boom!"); }); });
assertEquals([], db.query("SELECT * FROM test"));});
Deno.test("transactions can be nested", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)");
db.transaction(() => { db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (1)"); try { db.transaction(() => { db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (2)"); throw new Error("boom!"); }); } catch (_) { /* ignore */ } });
assertEquals([{ id: 1 }], db.queryEntries("SELECT * FROM test"));});
Deno.test("transactions commit when closure exists", function () { const db = new DB(); db.query("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)");
db.transaction(() => { db.query("INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (1)"); }); assertThrows(() => db.query("ROLLBACK"));
assertEquals([{ id: 1 }], db.queryEntries("SELECT * FROM test"));});
// Tests which drop the permission from read + write to read only// and should run after any other test.
Deno.test({ name: "database open options", ignore: !permRead || !permWrite, fn: async function () { await removeTestDb(testDbFile);
// when no file exists, these should error assertThrows(() => new DB(testDbFile, { mode: "write" })); assertThrows(() => new DB(testDbFile, { mode: "read" }));
// create the database const dbCreate = new DB(testDbFile, { mode: "create" }); dbCreate.query( "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL)", ); dbCreate.close();
const dbWrite = new DB(testDbFile, { mode: "write" }); dbWrite.query("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)", ["open-options-test"]); dbWrite.close();
const dbRead = new DB(testDbFile, { mode: "read" }); const rows = [...dbRead.query("SELECT id, name FROM test")]; assertEquals(rows, [[1, "open-options-test"]]); assertThrows(() => dbRead.query("INTERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)", ["this-fails"]) ); dbRead.close();
await Deno.permissions.revoke({ name: "write" }); assertThrows(() => new DB(testDbFile)); assertThrows(() => new DB(testDbFile, { mode: "create" })); assertThrows(() => new DB(testDbFile, { mode: "write" })); (new DB(testDbFile, { mode: "read" })).close();
// with memory flag set, the database will be in memory and // not require any permissions await Deno.permissions.revoke({ name: "read" }); assertThrows(() => new DB(testDbFile, { mode: "read" })); (new DB(testDbFile, { memory: true })).close();
// the mode can also be specified via uri flag and setting the // relevant parameter (new DB(`file:${testDbFile}?mode=memory`, { uri: true })).close(); },});